Scope:Specific Challenge: Cloud computing has the potential to reduce the IT expenditure of the public sector across Europe, while at the same time improving the scope for flexible high-quality new services. However, the adoption of cloud computing services by the public sector is inhibited by many barriers related to procurement, trustworthiness, technical standards and legal terms of reference, risk of lock-in etc. The overall challenge is to overcome these barriers in order to boost the public sector's productivity by stimulating the preparedness for wide adoption of competitive, secure, reliable and integrated cloud computing services.
Specifically the challenge is to widen and deepen the commitment from the public sector in Europe towards full readiness for the operational uptake of cloud computing services in a wide sense, while considering the different delivery models (private, public, hybrid, community clouds) and services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
a. Pre-commercial procurement for public sector cloud computing services (PCP)
Proposals will define common requirements and terms of reference for future procurem...
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Scope:Specific Challenge: Cloud computing has the potential to reduce the IT expenditure of the public sector across Europe, while at the same time improving the scope for flexible high-quality new services. However, the adoption of cloud computing services by the public sector is inhibited by many barriers related to procurement, trustworthiness, technical standards and legal terms of reference, risk of lock-in etc. The overall challenge is to overcome these barriers in order to boost the public sector's productivity by stimulating the preparedness for wide adoption of competitive, secure, reliable and integrated cloud computing services.
Specifically the challenge is to widen and deepen the commitment from the public sector in Europe towards full readiness for the operational uptake of cloud computing services in a wide sense, while considering the different delivery models (private, public, hybrid, community clouds) and services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
a. Pre-commercial procurement for public sector cloud computing services (PCP)
Proposals will define common requirements and terms of reference for future procurement of cloud computing services. This may include standardisation, certification, contract terms and service level agreements for secure and interoperable cloud services. They should build on work undertaken as part of the European Cloud Computing Strategy[1] and in particular on the work undertaken by the project C4E[2]. If relevant and justified, activities can develop on cloud computing initiatives at local, national and international levels. Dissemination and best practice activities must be included, with the aim to expand the number of Member States and Associated Countries committed to prepare themselves for efficient and secure cloud uptake adapted to their needs.
b. Public procurement of innovative cloud computing solutions (PPI)
Proposals will focus on organizing joint procurement of innovative cloud services by public authorities to better and more efficiently run their services, serve their communities, their citizens and local businesses. These should build upon work undertaken as part of the European Cloud Computing Strategy[3], and, if relevant and justified, on cloud computing initiatives at local, national and international levels. Activities could include the definition of cloud solutions for joint European IT systems and the provisioning of secure private clouds for public administrations.
Expected impact:
Increased adoption of smart cloud-based solutions for a range of public services, spanning from generic enabling services to specific applications such as culture, businesses, tourism, education, health care, and cross-border intergovernmental systems.
Improved quality of service from the public sector to the citizen with the guarantee of a high level of security and privacy.
Improved cost-effectiveness of public sector IT systems through efficient joint procurement of cloud services, e.g., based on the adoption of standardised solutions and mutual recognition of accreditation requirements.
Proposals must provide an appropriate benchmarking for the claimed impacts.
Type of action:
a. Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) Cofund actions – Proposals requesting a Large contribution are expected
b. Public Procurement for Innovative solutions Cofund actions– Proposals requesting a Large contribution are expected.
[1] See COM(2012) 529, in particular Key Action 3, European Cloud Partnership and the pre-commercial cloud procurement activity C4E; although Key Actions 1 and 2 are relevant as well (
[3] See previous reference
Cross-cutting Priorities:Innovation Procurement
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