Scope:Specific Challenge: The challenge is to provide for discussions with third countries on areas of common interest and to provide support to collaboration within the ICT research and innovation domains.
Scope: The twofold target is:
to support dialogues between the European Commission/the EU and strategic high income partner countries and regions,
to foster cooperation with strategic high income third country organisations in collaborative ICT R&D both within the EU's Framework Programmes (Horizon 2020) and under relevant third country programmes.
Proposals must cover these two aspects which could include in particular:
the organisation of events synchronised with dialogue meetings[1], providing timely input and follow-up for example on common R&D priorities and future cooperation opportunities, assisting in focusing dialogue meetings as well as increasing their visibility,
enhance cooperation on ICT policy and regulation through monitoring of the targeted region/country, workshops or any other relevant activity,
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Scope:Specific Challenge: The challenge is to provide for discussions with third countries on areas of common interest and to provide support to collaboration within the ICT research and innovation domains.
Scope: The twofold target is:
to support dialogues between the European Commission/the EU and strategic high income partner countries and regions,
to foster cooperation with strategic high income third country organisations in collaborative ICT R&D both within the EU's Framework Programmes (Horizon 2020) and under relevant third country programmes.
Proposals must cover these two aspects which could include in particular:
the organisation of events synchronised with dialogue meetings[1], providing timely input and follow-up for example on common R&D priorities and future cooperation opportunities, assisting in focusing dialogue meetings as well as increasing their visibility,
enhance cooperation on ICT policy and regulation through monitoring of the targeted region/country, workshops or any other relevant activity,
strengthening of cooperative research links through the set-up of sustainable cooperative mechanisms or platforms between European organisations and relevant leading third country organisations, with the aim of establishing mutually beneficial partnerships based on synergies to be identified between the Digital Agenda for Europe's (DAE) international agenda and third countries/regions' ICT strategies,
reinforcement of industrial cooperation on ICT research and development, notably through a better networking between European ICT Technology Platforms and relevant associations in third countries,
increased co-ordination at EU level with horizontal Framework Programme instruments to promote international cooperation (such as BILAT, INCO-NET and ERA-NET Cofund), as well as relevant EU Member State and Associated Countries programmes.
Proposals should build upon the achievements by similar past or ongoing projects, in countries/or regions where applicable, while avoiding duplication of that effort in this Call.
Targeted high income countries/regions
a) Subgroup 1: North America (Canada, USA)
b) Subgroup 2: East Asia/Oceania (Australia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan)
It is expected that each targeted area will be covered by one or two projects , and that duplication of effort in an area is avoided (i.e., if more than one proposal / area should be retained, preference will be given to proposals with different and/or additional country(ies) coverage).
Activities under this objective should be covered in balanced partnership with relevant and highly qualified third country organisations, including governmental actors (third country research ministries/agencies), relevant industry associations, and academic partners (research centres/universities).
Measureable performance indicators should be included (e.g. minimum numbers of events to be organised, participants, number of proposals submitted/new consortia created triggered by the events organised, European organisations/individuals supported in accessing third country programmes, etc.).
Expected impact:
Reinforcement of strategic partnerships with key third countries and regions in areas of mutual interest and added value in jointly addressing important issues.
Increased visibility for EU ICT R&D activities and research excellence.
Increase visibility for EU ICT policy and regulations
Support provided for European organisations/individuals in accessing third country programmes.
Types of action:
Coordination and Support Actions
[1] This includes Information Society Dialogues (organised by DG CONNECT), meetings under S&T Agreements (organised by DG RTD), and other relevant meetings (e.g. Senior Officials or Ministerial level regional meetings).
Cross-cutting Priorities:International cooperation
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