Specific Challenge:The challenges consist in providing an end to end facility that can i) demonstrate that the key 5G PPP network KPIs can be met; ii) be validated and accessed and used by vertical industries to set up research trials of innovative use cases, to further validate core 5G KPIs in the context of concurrent usages by multiple users.
Scope:The target 5G end to end network facility covers[1] fixed/multi radio access, backhaul, core network, service technologies and architectures targeted for 5G including end to end virtualisation and slicing as key component to support vertical use cases.
The objective is i) to validate the 5G network KPIs through representative network trials, as defined by the 5G PPP; ii) to prepare an extensive validation platform for verticals use cases. The facility allows to validate early versions of the standards and to prepare for later "forward compatible" versions. Such facility may be based on the interworking of several experimental platforms existing in Europe. It requires availability of an openness framework (both legal and technical, e.g. open APIs) enabling "vertical" projects to acc...
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Specific Challenge:The challenges consist in providing an end to end facility that can i) demonstrate that the key 5G PPP network KPIs can be met; ii) be validated and accessed and used by vertical industries to set up research trials of innovative use cases, to further validate core 5G KPIs in the context of concurrent usages by multiple users.
Scope:The target 5G end to end network facility covers[1] fixed/multi radio access, backhaul, core network, service technologies and architectures targeted for 5G including end to end virtualisation and slicing as key component to support vertical use cases.
The objective is i) to validate the 5G network KPIs through representative network trials, as defined by the 5G PPP; ii) to prepare an extensive validation platform for verticals use cases. The facility allows to validate early versions of the standards and to prepare for later "forward compatible" versions. Such facility may be based on the interworking of several experimental platforms existing in Europe. It requires availability of an openness framework (both legal and technical, e.g. open APIs) enabling "vertical" projects to access and use it. It also requires a methodology to consistently compare technologies where appropriate.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 15 and 20 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected Impact:- Demonstrated feasibility of 5G PPP KPIs[2] beyond 4G evolution (NB-IoT, 4G LTE-A-PRO), including at least KPIs for capacity, ubiquity, speed, latency, reliability, density of users, location accuracy, energy efficiency, service creation time, network management capex/opex. It requires clear analysis of the state of the art and how 5G goes beyond.
- Demonstration of innovative radio spectrum use and sharing applicable to 5G spectrum use, including - if appropriate - licensed, unlicensed or licensed-shared access.
- Validation of a representative end to end 5G architecture including end to end service provisioning with slicing capabilities and solving slicing issues between core and access.
- Demonstrated impactful contribution to standards. Participation of key European industrial partners with high standardisation impact is desired.
- Availability of 5G facility that may be further used for validation through specific vertical use cases and/or for large scale showcasing events.
Cross-cutting Priorities:Contractual Public-Private Partnerships (cPPPs)5G
[1]Satellites and/or copper solutions are in scope as appropriate for relevant 5G-PPP KPI's.
[2]See 5G KPI in the cPPP contractual arrangement at www.5G-PPP.eu
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