Scope:The general objectives of the priority are to contribute to:
- removing barriers to internal mobility for work and study purposes, facilitating the recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes;
- developing a highly skilled, qualified and mobile workforce, opening up opportunities for learners, workers and businesses;
- strengthening the quality, relevance and attractiveness of VET by supporting joint developments.
The specific objective of the priority is to support the development and delivery of joint VET qualifications and/or modules that are part of qualifications, or the improvement of existing ones, thus facilitating the mutual recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes and contributing to removing barriers to work and study mobility within the EU. The joint qualifications and/or modules will include a work-based learning component and a mobility window for a certain number of VET learners to participate in exchanges or rotation among the partners and ensure the recognition of the joint qualification and/or modules among the participating organisations.
Características del participante
Características del Proyecto
Características de la financiación
Información adicional de la convocatoria
Otras ventajas