Specific Challenge:High quality content is the main source of revenue for the Creative Industries and also instrumental for their competitiveness in a large, international market. The challenge is to maximise the potential for re-use and re-purposing of all types of digital content, for instance, by directly conceiving and creating content usable in different contexts and technical environments; improving its granularity; increasing its ability to dynamically adapt to the users; generating more realistic digital models; embedding semantic knowledge; and other approaches to make content "smarter" thanks to new and emerging technologies.
Scope:Research and Innovation Actions
Actions under this topic will explore novel ways of digital content production and management in the creative industries such as advertising, architecture, performing and visual arts, craft, design, fashion, films, music, press, publishing, radio, TV and video games. Proposals should clearly specify which sector(s) of the Creative Industries are being addressed and demonstrate a significant progress beyond the current state of the art in digital content production and ma...
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Specific Challenge:High quality content is the main source of revenue for the Creative Industries and also instrumental for their competitiveness in a large, international market. The challenge is to maximise the potential for re-use and re-purposing of all types of digital content, for instance, by directly conceiving and creating content usable in different contexts and technical environments; improving its granularity; increasing its ability to dynamically adapt to the users; generating more realistic digital models; embedding semantic knowledge; and other approaches to make content "smarter" thanks to new and emerging technologies.
Scope:Research and Innovation Actions
Actions under this topic will explore novel ways of digital content production and management in the creative industries such as advertising, architecture, performing and visual arts, craft, design, fashion, films, music, press, publishing, radio, TV and video games. Proposals should clearly specify which sector(s) of the Creative Industries are being addressed and demonstrate a significant progress beyond the current state of the art in digital content production and management. They should focus on technologies for the production of new content or for the enhancement and (re-)use of already existing digital content of any type, but the production or acquisition of the content itself is not to be financed through these actions.
Consortia should include representatives from the targeted Creative Industries with a leading role in the design of solutions and their validation in real-life environments. Combining research and innovation activities, the actions are expected to achieve results between technologies validated in lab conditions and technologies demonstrated in industrially relevant environments. Proposers should pay attention to cost effectiveness and efficiency increase through the use of ICT in the creative industries and provide corresponding progress indicators and measurable objectives.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 2 and 4 million for a period between 24 and 36 months would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. This does not preclude the submission and selection of proposals with a different budget or duration.
Expected Impact:It is expected that the set of funded actions will:
Increase the potential for re-purposing and re-use of digital content in order to diversify the market and improve the return on investment for producers; Provide significantly improved technologies for digital content production and management in the creative industries; Reduce the costs for the production of enhanced digital content for the creative industries, with the support of leading edge ICT. Proposals should provide concrete individual impact statements guided by the expectations above, including clear qualitative and quantitative objectives and success indicators.
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