Specific Challenge:The Internet of Things and the convergence of HPC, Big Data and Cloud computing technologies are enabling the emergence of a wide range of innovations. Building industrial large-scale application test-beds that integrate such technologies and that make best use of currently available HPC and data infrastructures will accelerate the pace of digitization and the innovation potential in Europe's key industry sectors (for example, healthcare, manufacturing, energy, finance & insurance, agri-food, space and security).
Scope:a) Innovation Actions (2018 call - deadline in April 2018) targeting the development of large-scale HPC-enabled industrial pilot test-beds supporting big data applications and services by combining and/or adapting existing relevant technologies (HPC / BD / cloud) in order to handle and optimize the specific features of processing very large data sets. The industrial pilot test-beds should handle massive amounts of diverse types of big data coming from a multitude of players and sources and clearly demonstrate how they will generate innovation and large value creation. The proposal shall describe the data assets avai...
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Specific Challenge:The Internet of Things and the convergence of HPC, Big Data and Cloud computing technologies are enabling the emergence of a wide range of innovations. Building industrial large-scale application test-beds that integrate such technologies and that make best use of currently available HPC and data infrastructures will accelerate the pace of digitization and the innovation potential in Europe's key industry sectors (for example, healthcare, manufacturing, energy, finance & insurance, agri-food, space and security).
Scope:a) Innovation Actions (2018 call - deadline in April 2018) targeting the development of large-scale HPC-enabled industrial pilot test-beds supporting big data applications and services by combining and/or adapting existing relevant technologies (HPC / BD / cloud) in order to handle and optimize the specific features of processing very large data sets. The industrial pilot test-beds should handle massive amounts of diverse types of big data coming from a multitude of players and sources and clearly demonstrate how they will generate innovation and large value creation. The proposal shall describe the data assets available to the test-beds and, as appropriate, the standards it intends to use to enable interoperability. Pilot test-beds should also aim to provide, via the cloud, simple secure access and secure service provisioning of highly demanding data use cases for companies and especially SMEs.
b) Innovation Actions (2018 call - deadline in November 2018) targeting the development of large-scale IoT/Cloud-enabled industrial pilot test-beds for big data applications by combining and taking advantage of relevant technologies (Big Data, IoT, cloud and edge computing, etc.). The aim is to develop industrial pilot test-beds addressing data flows from a very large number of distributed sources (such as sensors or IoT applications/infrastructures and/or involving remote data storage/processing locations) and clearly demonstrate how they will generate innovation and large value creation from such data assets. The industrial pilot test-beds shall also address the relevant networking connectivity and large-scale data collection, management and interoperability issues. The data assets available to the test-beds should be described in the proposal. Pilot test-beds should also aim to provide, via the cloud, simple secure access and secure service provisioning of highly demanding data use cases for companies and especially SMEs.
a) is called in the 2018 call with a deadline in April 2018. b) is called in the 2018 call with a deadline in November 2018.
For all subtopics a), b) above:
Proposals should be led by and show strong industrial commitment. They should explain how the proposed activities will be industrialized and have impact on the competitiveness and leadership of European industry. They should target a wide participation and/or applicability and use of the targeted industrial pilot test-bed by industrial members/users from different countries and regions. They should also define quantifiable outputs and impact Key Performance Indicators, in particular related to the "Expected Impact" of the topic.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 12 and 13 million for subtopic a), and EUR 15 and 18 million EUR for subtopic b) would allow these areas to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Proposals could seek synergies and co-financing from relevant national / regional research and innovation programmes, including European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) addressing pre-identified smart specialisation priorities at regional / national level. Proposals combining different sources of financing should include a concrete financial plan detailing the use of these funding sources for the different parts of their activities.
All grants under both subtopics will be subject to Article 30.3 of the grant agreement (Commission right to object to transfers or licensing).
Expected Impact:Proposals should address the following impact criteria, providing metrics to measure success where appropriate:
Demonstrated increase of innovation and productivity in the main target sector of the Large Scale Pilot Action; Increase of market share of Big Data technology providers if implemented commercially within the main target sector of the Large Scale Pilot Action; Effective integration of HPC/BD/Cloud/IoT technologies in the main target sector(s) of the Large Scale Action, resulting into integrated value chains and efficient business processes of the participating organizations; Widening the use of and facilitating the access to advanced HPC, big data and cloud infrastructures stimulating the emergence of the data economy in Europe; Stimulating additional private and public target investments in HPC and Big Data technologies from industry, Member States and Associated Countries, and other sources, as referred to in the contractual arrangements of the HPC and/or the Big Data Value Public Private Partnerships.
Cross-cutting Priorities:Contractual Public-Private Partnerships (cPPPs)BigData
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