Scope:Specific Challenge: Enforcing the effectiveness of National Contact Points (NCP) for ICT in H2020 by supporting trans-national cooperation within this network and strengthening collaboration with other R&I support networks at the European level.
Scope: The action will focus on establishing mechanisms for effective cross border partnership searches, identifying, understanding and sharing good practices ensuring this target. This may entail benchmarking of services and support mechanisms, joint workshops and collaboration with other H2020 NCPs, training, twinning schemes, elaboration of relevant training and information material for proposers and the operation of an effective partner search mechanism across the network of NCPs. Practical initiatives to benefit cross-border audiences may also be included, such as trans-national brokerage events. The specific approach should be adapted to the nature of the theme and to the capacities and priorities of the NCPs concerned. A degree of collaboration and networking with similar projects in parallel themes – especially in the context of joint/coordinated calls will be encouraged. The focus throughout should be on is...
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Scope:Specific Challenge: Enforcing the effectiveness of National Contact Points (NCP) for ICT in H2020 by supporting trans-national cooperation within this network and strengthening collaboration with other R&I support networks at the European level.
Scope: The action will focus on establishing mechanisms for effective cross border partnership searches, identifying, understanding and sharing good practices ensuring this target. This may entail benchmarking of services and support mechanisms, joint workshops and collaboration with other H2020 NCPs, training, twinning schemes, elaboration of relevant training and information material for proposers and the operation of an effective partner search mechanism across the network of NCPs. Practical initiatives to benefit cross-border audiences may also be included, such as trans-national brokerage events. The specific approach should be adapted to the nature of the theme and to the capacities and priorities of the NCPs concerned. A degree of collaboration and networking with similar projects in parallel themes – especially in the context of joint/coordinated calls will be encouraged. The focus throughout should be on issues specific to ICT in H2020 and should not duplicate actions foreseen in the NCP network for quality standards and horizontal issues under 'Science with and for Society'.
Special attention should be given to helping less experienced NCPs to access the know-how accumulated in other countries and to apply it in a locally relevant and efficient manner. The ICT NCP network should develop information and support services along the full research and innovation value chain for all ICT clients, in particular new target groups in H2020 (e.g. SME, public authorities).
Proposals are expected to include or enable the active participation of all NCPs which have been officially appointed by the relevant national authorities in the EU and associated countries. In special cases the NCPs can decide to subcontract this activity to specialist agencies. Proposals from other organisations in the EU and Associated States are ineligible. If certain NCPs wish to abstain from participating, this fact should be explicitly documented in the proposal. These NCPs are nevertheless invited and encouraged to participate in the project activities (e.g. workshops), and the costs incurred by the consortium for such participation (e.g. travel costs paid by the consortium) may be included in the estimated budget and be eligible for funding by the Commission. The action may also involve official ICT H2020 contacts from third countries.
The Commission expects to receive a single proposal under this topic. It is expected that the project should last for a period of four years.
Expected impact:
An improved more homogeneous NCP service across Europe and beyond, helping to establish cross border consortia, simplify access to H2020 calls, lowering the entry barriers for newcomers, and raising the quality of submitted proposals.
A more consistent level of NCP support services across Europe, closely integrated with other NCP networks, ERA-NET Cofunds, JTIs, related European programs and EEN services.
More effective participation of organizations from third countries, alongside European organizations, in line with the principle of mutual benefit.
Instrument, funding level and budget
Coordination and Support Action
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