Innovating Works
PINTA3: IP1 Traction TD1– Phase 3 and HVAC TD8 ALSTOM TRANSPORT SA tramitó un H2020: This proposal has been developed as the last phase of the work which will be developed within the Technical Demonstrators Traction (TD1.1) and HVAC (TD1.8) during the implementation of Shift2Rail.It t...
2020-12-01 | Financiado
FINE-2: Furthering Improvements in Integrated Mobility Management (I2M), Noise and Vibration, and Energy in Shift2Rail THALES UK LIMITED tramitó un H2020: Formed of three discrete workstreams, the FINE-2 project will investigate means of enabling Integrated Mobility Management (I2M), saving Energy, and reducing inconvenient and disruptive Noise and Vibr...
2019-12-01 | Financiado
PIVOT2: Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2 SIEMENS MOBILITY GMBH tramitó un H2020: PIVOT2 is a continuation of the PIVOT project which was scheduled to finish in September 2019.PIVOT2 will build on the work and concepts of PIVOT and move all of these concepts to higher TRL levels.Th...
2019-10-01 | Financiado
PINTA2: IP1 Traction TD1 and Brakes TD5 – Phase 2 ALSTOM TRANSPORT SA tramitó un H2020: The PINTA2 Project (IP1 Traction TD1 and Brakes TD5 – Phase 2) will address the two key topics highlighted in the Shift2Rail Call topic S2R-CFM-IP1-01-2018 – Development of concepts towards the next g...
2018-09-01 | Financiado
PIVOT: Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION GMBH tramitó un H2020: PIVOT takes the Roll2Rail Lighthouse project and addresses mechanical systems within rail vehicles: Carbodies, Running Gear, Brakes, Entry Systems and Interiors including the Cab.With seven technical...
2017-10-01 | Financiado
FINE 1: Future Improvement for Energy and Noise BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION GMBH tramitó un H2020: The FINE 1 project aims to reduce operational costs of railways by a reduction of energy use and noise related to rail traffic. The project results are expected to enable an increase of traffic in E...
2016-09-01 | Financiado
PINTA: IP1 Traction TD1 and Brakes TD5 – Phase 1 ALSTOM TRANSPORT SA tramitó un H2020: The PINTA Project (IP1 Traction TD1 and Brakes TD5 – Phase 1) will address the two key topics highlighted in the first Shift2Rail Call topic S2R-CFM-IP1-01-2016 – Development of concepts towards the n...
2016-09-01 | Financiado
ROLL2RAIL: NEW DEPENDABLE ROLLING STOCK FOR A MORE SUSTAINABLE, INTELLIGENT AND COMFORTABLE RAIL TRANSPORT IN EUROPE UNION DES INDUSTRIES FERROVIAIRES EUROPEENNES UNIFE tramitó un H2020: The ROLL2RAIL project aims to develop key technologies and to remove already identified blocking points for radical innovation in the field of railway vehicles, as part of a longer term strategy to re...
2015-05-01 | Financiado
RTC-2015-3977-4: Nuevo conjunto de rodadura para la mejora de la eficiencia energética y la seguridad en trenes de pasajeros PATENTES TALGO, S.L. tramitó un AEI: El transporte es el primer consumidor de energía del país y el responsable de la mayor cantidad de dióxido de carbono emitido a la atmósfera en España, y de las emisiones contaminantes emitidas en las...
2015-01-01 | Financiado
REFRESCO: Towards a REgulatory FRamework for the usE of Structural new materials in railway passenger and freight CarbOdyshells. UNION DES INDUSTRIES FERROVIAIRES EUROPEENNES UNIFE tramitó un FP7: The transportation industry has for a long time been engaged in the application of new lightweight materials for primary structural design in an effort to develop more energy efficient structures to...
2013-09-01 | Financiado
ACOUTRAIN: Virtual certification of acoustic performance for freight and passenger trains UNION DES INDUSTRIES FERROVIAIRES EUROPEENNES UNIFE tramitó un FP7: ACOUTRAIN will simplify and improve the acoustic certification process of new rolling stock, in particular relating to the TSI Noise. Today the need of conformity assessment for a new vehicle accordin...
2011-10-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.