Inicio: 01/12/2008, Fin: 30/11/2014.

Objetivos del proyecto Most of the lymphomas diagnosed in the western world are originated from mature B cells. The hallmark of these malignancies is the presence of recurrent chromosome translocations that usually involve the immunoglobulin loci and a proto-oncogene. As a result of the translocation event the proto-oncogene becomes deregulated under the influence of immunoglobulin cis sequences thus playing an important role in the etiology of the disease. Upon antige... Most of the lymphomas diagnosed in the western world are originated from mature B cells. The hallmark of these malignancies is the presence of recurrent chromosome translocations that usually involve the immunoglobulin loci and a proto-oncogene. As a result of the translocation event the proto-oncogene becomes deregulated under the influence of immunoglobulin cis sequences thus playing an important role in the etiology of the disease. Upon antigen encounter mature B cells engage in the germinal center reaction, a complex differentiation program of critical importance to the development of the secondary immune response. The germinal center reaction entails the somatic remodelling of immunoglobulin genes by the somatic hypermutation and class switch recombination reactions, both of which are triggered by Activation Induced Deaminase (AID). We have previously shown that AID also initiates lymphoma-associated c-myc/IgH chromosome translocations. In addition, the germinal center reaction involves a fine-tuned balance between intense B cell proliferation and program cell death. This environment seems to render B cells particularly vulnerable to malignant transformation. We aim at studying the molecular events responsible for B cell susceptibility to lymphomagenesis from two perspectives. First, we will address the role of AID in the generation of lymphomagenic lesions in the context of AID specificity and transcriptional activation. Second, we will approach the regulatory function of microRNAs of AID-dependent, germinal center events. The proposal aims at the molecular understanding of a process that lies in the interface of immune regulation and oncogenic transformation and therefore the results will have profound implications both to basic and clinical understanding of lymphomagenesis. ver más

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