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INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN no tiene proyectos abiertos en este momento.

OCARINA: Novel recycling and reprocessing of permanent magnets

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN tramitó un H2020: The transition to a low carbon society and energy efficiency by 2050 (The EUs Green Deal) will require radical solutions, especially in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which have to be reduc...
2022-02-01 | Financiado

STROMASS: Rapid 90Sr determination using laser ablation ICP-QQQ-MS

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN tramitó un H2020: As the Fukushima nuclear accident proved, the analytical laboratories cannot provide a rapid response for 90Sr contamination using the classic radiometric measurement methods resulting in poor public...
2021-09-01 | Financiado

AMULET: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies united for Lightweight

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: The benefits of lightweighting in decarbonisation & resource efficiency for circular economy cuts across different industries, having the most important impacts on the automotive, aerospace & aeronaut...
2021-09-01 | Financiado

RADIANT: ReAlising DynamIc vAlue chaiNs for underuTilised crops

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: RADIANT implements a suite of strategic and fully inclusive multi-actor engagement methods to co-develop solutions and tools to ensure that agrobiodiversity in the form of underutilised crops (UCs) is...
2021-09-01 | Financiado

TIMEPAC: Towards innovative methods for energy performance assessment and certification of buildings

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: TIMEPAC will contribute to improving existing energy certification processes, moving from a single, static certification to more holistic and dynamic approaches that consider: a) the data generated in...
2021-07-01 | Financiado

QMatCh: Towards Quantum States of Matter via Chemistry under Extreme Conditions

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN tramitó un H2020: Quantum materials hold the promise to spark the next technological revolution; the realization of quantum computers, high-speed electronic devices, or cheap energy delivered over superconducting wires...
2021-06-01 | Financiado

FoodTraNet: Advanced research and Training Network in Food quality, safety and security

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN tramitó un H2020: FoodTraNet is designed to provide high-level training of a new generation of high achieving early stage researchers (ESRs) in a common platform of advanced mass spectrometry tools for food quality, sa...
2021-05-01 | Financiado

PASSENGER: Pilot Action for Securing a Sustainable European Next Generation of Efficient RE-free magnets

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: PASSENGER addresses to the topic CE-SC5-10-2020 on raw materials innovation under subtopic d) Pilots on substitution of critical and scarce raw materials (2020). PASSENGER aims to develop innovative p...
2021-05-01 | Financiado


INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: The Oracle will develop scalable alternative reaction technologies for decentralised production of ammonia as a renewable fuel from N2 and H2O. Three strands for ammonia synthesis will be developed an...
2021-05-01 | Financiado

INTERFAST: Gated INTERfaces for FAST information processing

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: INTERFAST will develop a novel technological platform for the voltage control of interfacial magnetism. The key idea is to manipulate, via a gate, the hybrid states at the interface between a magnetic...
2021-05-01 | Financiado

DAIS: Distributed Artificial Intelligent Systems

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Edge computing is entering a new era based on the use of ubiquitous small and connected devices. Until now, Europe has not been doing well, as America sets t...
2021-05-01 | Financiado


INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN tramitó un H2020: The digital transformation resulting from the implementation of Industry 4.0 changes the current IP management and understanding of the use of digital data. Data and algorithms using open source code...
2021-04-01 | Financiado

NOCMOC: Noc ima svojo moc (The Night has its Might), Euripean Researchers Night (NIGHT)

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: Firmly supported by local, regional and national media, the awareness campaign Waters Might introduces the project Noc ima svojo moc (NOCMOC) to Slovenian and other EU citizens.The core objectives of...
2021-04-01 | Financiado

URBANOME: Urban Observatory for Multi-participatory Enhancement of Health and Wellbeing

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: URBANOME aims at building a common EU Framework for evaluating comprehensively multi-sector policies in urban settings supporting the Health in all Policies approach of WHO. In this light the overall...
2021-03-01 | Financiado

COMFOCUS: Communities on Food Consumer Science

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: COMFOCUS brings together, integrates on European scale, and opens up key national and regional research infrastructures in the inherently interdisciplinary field of food consumer science to all Europe...
2021-03-01 | Financiado

HiPeR-F: Challenging the Oxidation-State Limitations of the Periodic Table via High-Pressure Fluorine Chemistry

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN tramitó un FP7: The HiPeR-F project aims to establish a new frontier research direction – high-pressure fluorine chemistry, by method development and a merger of two highly specialised and experimentally demanding fi...
2021-02-01 | Financiado

ATHENA: Implementing gender equality plans to unlock research potential of RPOs and RFOs in Europe

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: One of the main objectives of Europe’s societies is the elimination of all types of discrimination associated with gender. Despite a high number of highly skilled female graduates, there is still very...
2021-02-01 | Financiado

MERFISH: Health-benefit understanding of mercury-selenium interactions from fish to human

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN participó en un H2020: MERFISH brings together international experts from a wide array of interdisciplinary research areas (analytical chemistry, fish nutrition, environmental science, communication, toxicology & aquacultur...
2021-02-01 | Financiado

REACTT: REliable Advanced Diagnostics and Control Tools for increased lifetime of solid oxide cell Technology

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN tramitó un H2020: Solid Oxide Electrolysis (SOE) and its possibility to operate in reversible mode (rSOC) can play a major role in H2 production at low cost and for renewable energies storage. These operating modes wit...
2021-01-01 | Financiado

LOGOS: Light-operated logic circuits from photonic soft-matter

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN tramitó un FP7: I propose a revolutionary photonic technology based on self-assembled soft matter that is likely to evolve into currently unforeseen, futuristic technologies. The liquid nature and responsiveness of s...
2021-01-01 | Financiado

* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.

INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN no tiene proyectos rechazados.