Innovating Works


Mostrando 1 al 20 de 157 resultados
S5LECT: SatCom and 5G Link - Edge, Cyber telecommunication SOCIETE NATIONALE SNCF tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The S5LECT – SatCom and 5G Link, Edge and CybersecuriTy – project, coordinated by SNCF and developed by Railenium, GTS France (THALES), Radiolabs and CEIT, will experiment a solution for seamless hand...
2024-02-01 | Financiado
RESQTOOL: Recycling of High Quality CRM Resources from Machining Tools for Re-use Applications Service Public Fédéral de Programmation Politique Scientifique (Belspo) tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Recycling of High Quality CRM Resources from Machining Tools for Re-use Applications RESQTOOL will offer a sustainable and energy efficient solution for recycling and responsible supply of Critical...
2023-11-24 | Financiado
L4DNANO: Laser Interference Lithography based 4D-printing of Nanomaterials AARHUS UNIVERSITET tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: By tackling the limitations of the current 4D-printing of nanomaterials, this project seeks to initiate a new process paradigm, laser interference lithograph (LIL) based 4D-printing, for rapidly and a...
2022-10-24 | Financiado
SPACE4GREEN: Trusted and Green traceability through EU Space Technologies INTEGRASYS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: "On B2B and B2C relations, the reliability among stakeholders is an essential requirement. Every second of every day, businesses exchange items with suppliers, partners, customers and others. Items me...
2022-10-17 | Financiado
DARROW: DRIVING THE FUTURE OF WATER RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITIES THROUGH DATA INTELLIGENCE ASOCIACIÓN CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO CEIT tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The wastewater sector is going through a profound transformation with energy efficiency and resource recovery as key priorities in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and these installations started to...
2022-06-14 | Financiado
REEPRODUCE: Dismantling and recycling Rare Earth Elements from End-of-life products for the European Green Transition SINTEF AS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Europe's ambitious energy and climate goals are heavily dependent on critical raw materials such as Rare Earth Elements (REEs). The largest end-user of REEs is the permanent magnet (PM) industry for...
2022-05-13 | Financiado
HIVOMOT: HIgh power and VOltage operation of electric MOTors in aeronautics ASOCIACIÓN CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO CEIT tramitó un H2020: The present proposal tries to answer in the best way the call JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-THT-12. After the analysis of the call, our understanding of the objectives requested by the call is the following:The...
2021-01-01 | Financiado
X2Rail-5: Completion of activities for Adaptable Communication, Moving Block, Fail safe Train Localisation (including satellite), Zero on site Testing, Formal Methods and Cyber Security DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUER LUFT UND RAUMFAHRT EV tramitó un H2020: X2RAIL-5 is the 5th and last proposal of the Shift2Rail members in the IP2 Advanced Traffic Management & Control Systems domain and it aims to continue the research and development of key technologies...
2020-12-01 | Financiado
DRAGON: D-band radio 5G network technology TEKNOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS VTT OY tramitó un H2020: Nowadays there is a shared vision among industry, operators and academy that 5G wireless networks will have to provide wideband wireless access and ubiquitous computing anywhere and at any time. The h...
2020-12-01 | Financiado
HIPERMAT: Advanced design, monitoring , development and validation of novel HIgh PERformance MATerials and components FUNDACION AZTERLAN tramitó un H2020: The main objective of HIPERMAT is the empowering of future low carbon technologies with new materials and components by their enhanced environmental impact reduction across the value chain. At least t...
2020-11-01 | Financiado
AssAssiNN: Development of a multifunctional system for complex aerostructures ASSembly, ASSisted by Neural Network ASOCIACIÓN CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO CEIT tramitó un H2020: In today’s workplace, the increasing use of new technologies such as Artificial Neural NeIn today’s workplace, the increasing use of new technologies such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in Artifi...
2020-07-01 | Financiado
FR8RAIL IV: Use-centric rail freight innovation for Single European Railway Area. DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUER LUFT UND RAUMFAHRT EV tramitó un H2020: The foreseen research activities are expected to contribute to the creation of a framework for an effective railway for freight as a part of the logistical value chain in a more automated way via inte...
2020-07-01 | Financiado
MODEL2BIO: MODELLING TOOL FOR GIVING VALUE TO AGRI-FOOD RESIDUAL STREAMS IN BIO-BASED INDUSTRIES ASOCIACIÓN CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO CEIT tramitó un H2020: Agri-food industry generates nearly 50% of the average composition of global waste in form of organic residual stream. Current management practices for waste management, including landfilling as the w...
2020-05-01 | Financiado
ECT2020-000850: Plan Estratégico de Lanzamiento de Horizon Europe (PEL-HEU) ASOCIACIÓN CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO CEIT tramitó un AEI: El objetivo final del Plan Estratégico de Lanzamiento de Horizon Europe (PEL-HEU) de Ceit es lograr un adecuado dimensionamiento ypreparación de la Oficina de Proyectos Europeos de cara a (Eje 1 - Ret...
2020-01-01 | Financiado
X2Rail-4: Advanced signalling and automation system - Completion of activities for enhanced automation systems, train integrity, traffic management evolution and smart object controllers ALSTOM TRANSPORT SA tramitó un H2020: X2RAIL-4 is the 4th project of the Shift2Rail members in the IP2 Advanced Traffic Management & Control Systems domain and it aims to continue the research and development of key technologies within th...
2019-12-01 | Financiado
LINX4RAIL: System architecture and Conceptual Data Model for railway, common data dictionary and global system modelling specifications SNCF RESEAU tramitó un H2020: The railway sector is currently acting in a fragmented way and in silos, corresponding most often to physical or functional subsystems or use cases, and the different owners/managers of the overall in...
2019-12-01 | Financiado
WATEREYE: O&M tools integrating accurate structural health in offshore energy ASOCIACIÓN CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO CEIT tramitó un H2020: Operation & Maintenance (O&M) costs are the main cost driver in offshore energy due to the difficult accessibility to the WTs, but also due to the environmental conditions. O&M costs can account for u...
2019-11-01 | Financiado
ADDIMOT: ADDitively manufactured limited angle torque MOTor for Smart Active Inceptors ASOCIACIÓN CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO CEIT tramitó un H2020: The main objective of ADDIMOT project is to investigate additive manufacturing (AM) technologies to design, and manufacture a new generation of electrical torque motors for their application in Smart...
2019-10-01 | Financiado
FR8RAIL III: Smart data-based assets and efficient rail freight operation DEUTSCHE BAHN AG tramitó un H2020: The objective of the FR8RAIL III project is to further develop technologies which are relevant for the rail freight sector to reach the goal highlighted in the S2R Strategic Master Plan. The work is p...
2019-09-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.