Innovating Works


Mostrando 1 al 20 de 1542 resultados
QuBICo: Quantum boundary conditions for infinite-dimensional control UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Taking advantage of the underlying quantum features of the natural world to design new technologies is the principle at the root of the Second Quantum Revolution. Quantum control theory provides the m...
2024-03-19 | Financiado
NextENERGEIA: Simulating the effects of low-carbon investments in electricity markets UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: NextENERGEIA plans to develop and test a proof-of-concept prototype of an analytical tool for simulating the social and private impact on power markets of low-carbon investments (renewable energies, e...
2024-02-23 | Financiado
ORIGAMI: Optimized resource integration and global architecture for mobile infrastructure for 6G TELEFONICA INNOVACION DIGITAL tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: ORIGAMI aims at spearheading the next-generation of mobile network architecture, overcoming eight factual barriers to ensure a successful 6G future. With three critical architectural innovations - Glo...
2023-12-13 | Financiado
PROTEUS-6G: Programmable Reconfigurable Optical Transport for Efficiently offering Unconstrained Services in 6G PANEPISTIMIO PATRON tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: PROTEUS-6G focuses on the development of advanced packet-optical x-haul networking infrastructure, relying on novel software-programmable photonic-integrated-circuit based subsystems operated under an...
2023-12-08 | Financiado
CURIAFIDES: The relevance of judicial (dis-)trust for the legal integration of the European Union UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The functioning of the European Union (EU) legal system is ensured through an intricate interdependent and non-hierarchical judicial system, where judges at the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) and n...
2023-07-14 | Financiado
MiFuture: ultra-massive MIMO for future cell-free heterogeneous networks UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The increasing demand of higher data rates while ensuring sustainability through reduced energy consumption levels call for a collective effort to define and set up the new generation of mobile commun...
2023-07-12 | Financiado
QUBIP: Quantum-oriented Update to Browsers and Infrastructures for the PQ Transition FONDAZIONE LINKS LEADING INNOVATION KNOWLEDGE FOR SOCIETY tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The exciting frontiers opened by the development of quantum computers (QC) come at the cost of breaking the foundations of current digital security. The research community is working to the definition...
2023-07-04 | Financiado
AIM-NEXT: Accelerate the design and Insertion of nonCRM hard Materials for Next generation EXTreme applications (AIM-NEXT) Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The AIM-NEXT project arises from the common need of European academy and industry to educate and train the next generation of experts in the field of Sustainable design of material solutions for engin...
2023-06-28 | Financiado
E-CONTRAIL: Artificial Neural Networks for the Prediction of Contrails and Aviation Induced Cloudiness UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Contrails and aviation-induced cloudiness effects on climate change show large uncertainties since they are subject to meteorological, regional, and seasonal variations. Indeed, under some specific ci...
2023-06-05 | Financiado
SoMoWalk: SoMoWalk: Communicating walking movement through sonification. UNIVERSIDAD DE BARCELONA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: In the EU, stroke is the second most common cause of death and a leading cause of adult disability, affecting the ability to walk in 60%-80% of people suffering a stroke. In 2017, the cost associated...
2023-04-21 | Financiado
ISBIOMECH: Intelligent Device and Computational Software to Control Mechanical Stress and Deformation for Biological Testing UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: In nature, all biological material from the cell to the tissue level is subjected to continuous mechanical stress and strain. These mechanical cues play an essential role on several biological process...
2023-04-17 | Financiado
redOXFluxMAP: The map of Redox Intracellular Signaling in skin physiology UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The skin is the widest organ of the human body. Despite this, the mechanisms that underline its regulation are relatively poorly understood. Many skin diseases are characterized by defects in the cont...
2023-04-11 | Financiado
RETIMAGER: REAL TIME MOLECULAR IMAGER WITH UNSURPASSED RESOLUTION UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Over the last decades, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) has been firmly established as the predominant molecular imaging technique due to its unmatched sensitivity and capability to address many dif...
2022-12-12 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.