Innovating Works
Mostrando 1 al 20 de 34 resultados
DigiPrime: Digital Platform for Circular Economy in Cross-sectorial Sustainable Value Networks POLITECNICO DI MILANO tramitó un H2020: DigiPrime has the mission to develop a new concept of Circular Economy digital platform overcoming current information asymmetry among value-chain stakeholders, in order to unlock new circular busines...
2020-01-01 | Financiado
HIGREEW: Affordable High-Performance Green Redox Flow Batteries FUNDACION CTRO INVEST ENERGIAS ALTER CIC ENERGIGUN tramitó un H2020: The objective of HIGREEW (Affordable High-performance Green REdox floW batteries) is to design, develop and validate and an advanced redox flow battery, based on new water-soluble low-cost organic ele...
2019-11-01 | Financiado
TALENT: COST EFFECTIVE TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS FOR ACCELERATING ENERGY TRANSITION FUNDACION CARTIF tramitó un H2020: In recent years the global shift to a more sustainable energy system is becoming a reality. Nevertheless, now more than ever it is necessary to make our best efforts in making this transition as fast...
2019-10-01 | Financiado
MUSE GRIDS: Multi Utilities Smart Energy GRIDS RINA CONSULTING SPA tramitó un H2020: MUSE GRIDS aims to demonstrate, in two weakly connected areas (a town on a top of a hill and a rural neighbourhood), a set of both technological and non-technological solutions targeting the interacti...
2018-11-01 | Financiado
RTC-2017-6341-3: Desarrollo de materiales avanzados en energía eólica - EOLO+ SIEMENS GAMESA RENEWABLE ENERGYINNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY tramitó un AEI: Uno de los grandes retos a los que se enfrenta la sociedad del futuro es la generación de una energía segura, eficiente y limpia, Para poder asegurar un suministro sostenible, competitivo y seguro, es...
2018-01-01 | Financiado
RTC-2017-6239-3: Desarrollo de un Sistema IntegrAdo de Monitorización del EStado Estructural de palas de aerogenerador mediante sensores distribuidos de fibra óptica - SIAMESE SIEMENS GAMESA RENEWABLE ENERGYINNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY tramitó un AEI: El proyecto SIAMESE tiene como objetivo desarrollar un sistema integral de monitorización de la condición estructural de palas de aerogenerador basado en el uso de sensorización distribuida de fibra ó...
2018-01-01 | Financiado
RTC-2017-6074-3: SOluciones para mejorar el FuncionamienTo de aerogENeradores en redes débiles SIEMENS GAMESA RENEWABLE ENERGYINNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY tramitó un AEI: De todas las posibles fuentes de energía renovables, la que más presencia tiene en el mix energético es la energía eólica, Cada vez son más frecuentes las noticias donde se muestra que en países como...
2018-01-01 | Financiado
ROMEO: Reliable OM decision tools and strategies for high LCoE reduction on Offshore wind IBERDROLA RENOVABLES ENERGIA tramitó un H2020: Emerging technologies as Offshore Wind Energy, demand new advanced solutions for reducing Operation & Maintenance (O&M) costs, as well as for performing the reliability and extended life-time of wind...
2017-06-01 | Financiado
FiberEUse: Large scale demonstration of new circular economy value-chains based on the reuse of end-of-life fiber reinforced composites. POLITECNICO DI MILANO tramitó un H2020: Glass and carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites (GFRP and CFRP) are increasingly used as structural materials in many manufacturing sectors like transport, constructions and energy due to their b...
2017-06-01 | Financiado
EIROS: Erosion and Ice Resistant cOmposite for Severe operating conditions TWI LIMITED tramitó un H2020: In the wind power generation, aerospace and other industry sectors there is an emerging need to operate in the low temperature and highly erosive environments of extreme weather conditions. Such condi...
2016-03-08 | Financiado
WInspector: Advanced shearography kit and a robotic deployment platform for on-site inspection of wind turbine blades WRS MARINE INSPECTIONS AND SERVICES BV tramitó un H2020: To achieve a thorough investigation for defect presence on a wind turbine blade, close inspection is required. This implies either trained staff tied with ropes on the blade or dismantling and transfe...
2016-03-01 | Financiado
RTC-2016-4712-3: AEROEXTREME- DESARROLLO DE AEROGENERADORES PARA AMBIENTES AGRESIVOS/EXTREMOS SIEMENS GAMESA RENEWABLE ENERGYINNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY tramitó un AEI: La generación eléctrica mediante fuentes de energía renovable y, en concreto, la generación por energía eólica, ha aumentado considerablemente, cubriendo alrededor del 10% de la demanda eléctrica euro...
2016-01-01 | Financiado
WINDTRUST: Demonstration of more reliable innovative designs on a 2MW Wind turbine SIEMENS GAMESA RENEWABLE ENERGYINNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY tramitó un FP7: The objective of the WINDTRUST project is to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of innovative and more reliable solutions for multi MW wind turbines in order to improve the competitive...
2013-09-01 | Financiado
FLOATGEN: DEMONSTRATION OF TWO FLOATING WIND TURBINE SYSTEMS FOR POWER GENERATION IN MEDITERRANEAN DEEP WATERS SIEMENS GAMESA RENEWABLE ENERGYINNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY tramitó un FP7: The objective of the FLOATGEN project is to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of two different multi-megawatt integrated floating-wind turbine systems in deep waters, never applied be...
2013-01-01 | Financiado
INNWIND.EU: Innovative Wind Conversion Systems (10-20MW) for Offshore Applications DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET tramitó un FP7: The overall objectives of the INNWIND.EU project are the high performance innovative design of a beyond-state-of-the-art 10-20MW offshore wind turbine and hardware demonstrators of some of the critica...
2012-11-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.