Innovating Works
ELECTRON: rEsilient and seLf-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid NETCOMPANY INTRASOFT tramitó un H2020: In the era of hyper-connected digital economies, the smart technologies play a vital role in the operation of the Electrical Power and Energy Systems (EPES), transforming it into a new, decentralised...
2021-10-01 | Financiado
DAIS: Distributed Artificial Intelligent Systems RISE RESEARCH INSTITUTES OF SWEDEN AB tramitó un H2020: The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Edge computing is entering a new era based on the use of ubiquitous small and connected devices. Until now, Europe has not been doing well, as America sets t...
2021-05-01 | Financiado
TERMINET: nexT gEneRation sMart INterconnectEd ioT PANEPISTIMIO DYTIKIS MAKEDONIAS tramitó un H2020: The vision of TERMINET is to provide a novel next generation reference architecture based on cutting-edge technologies such as SDN, multiple-access edge computing, and virtualisation for next generati...
2020-11-01 | Financiado
VPP4ISLANDS: Virtual Power Plant for Interoperable and Smart isLANDS UNIVERSITE DAIX MARSEILLE tramitó un H2020: VPP4Islands aims to facilitate the integration of renewable systems, accelerate the transition towards smart and green energy and help Islands to exploit energy efficiency potential and innovative sto...
2020-10-01 | Financiado
SDN-microSENSE: SDN - microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm AYESA ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES tramitó un H2020: The smart energy ecosystem constitutes the next technological leap of the conventional electrical grid, providing multiple benefits such as increased reliability, better service quality and efficient...
2019-05-01 | Financiado
IELECTRIX: Indian and European Local Energy CommuniTies for Renewable Integration and the Energy Transition. ENEDIS tramitó un H2020: An increasing role is foreseen in Europe for local energy communities (LECs) to speed up the grid integration of RES. To-day, the enabling role of DSOs in support of LECs is hampered by a lack of flex...
2019-05-01 | Financiado
FITOPTIVIS: From the cloud to the edge - smart IntegraTion and OPtimization Technologies for highly efficient Image and VIdeo processing Systems PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NEDERLAND BV tramitó un H2020: The objective of FitOptiVis is to develop an integral approach for smart integration of image- and video-processing pipelines for CPS covering a reference architecture, supported by low-power, high-pe...
2018-06-01 | Financiado
SPEAR: SPEAR: Secure and PrivatE smArt gRid PANEPISTIMIO DYTIKIS MAKEDONIAS tramitó un H2020: Over the last decade, cyber-attacks have become increasingly sophisticated, stealthy, targeted and multi-faceted which may leverage zero-day exploits and highly creative interdisciplinary attack metho...
2018-05-01 | Financiado
OSMOSE: Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for European electricity RTE RESEAU DE TRANSPORT DELECTRICITE tramitó un H2020: Six TSOs, eleven research partners, together with sixteen industry (manufacturers, solution providers) and market (producers, ESCo) players address, through a holistic approach, the identification and...
2018-01-01 | Financiado
FLEXITRANSTORE: An Integrated Platform for Incresed FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources EUROPEAN DYNAMICS BELGIUM tramitó un H2020: FLEXITRANSTORE project shall develop a next generation of Flexible Energy Grid (FEG), which provides the technical basis to support the valorisation of flexibility services, enhancing the existing Eur...
2017-11-01 | Financiado
certMILS: Compositional security certification for medium- to high-assurance COTS-based systems in environments with emerging threats TECHNIKON FORSCHUNGS UND PLANUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH tramitó un H2020: CertMILS develops a security certification methodology for Cyber-physical systems (CPS). CPS are characterised by safety-critical nature, complexity, connectivity, and open technology. A common downsi...
2017-01-01 | Financiado
SABINA: SmArt BI-directional multi eNergy gAteway SMS ENERGY SERVICES LIMITED tramitó un H2020: Flexibility needs to be added to Europe’s power system to accommodate an increasing share of variable power generation from renewable sources. Indeed, service quality issues start to arise on the grid...
2016-11-01 | Financiado
AMASS: Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems FUNDACION TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION tramitó un H2020: Embedded systems have significantly increased in technical complexity towards open, interconnected systems. This has exacerbated the problem of ensuring dependability in the presence of human, environ...
2016-04-01 | Financiado
GrowSmarter: GrowSmarter STOCKHOLMS STAD tramitó un H2020: GrowSmarter aims to:• Improve the quality of life for European citizens by better mobility, housing and the quality of urban infrastructure while improving the citizens economy by lower energy costs...
2015-01-01 | Financiado
EMC2: Embedded Multi-Core Systems for Mixed Criticality Applications in Dynamic and Changeable Real-Time Environments INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG tramitó un FP6: Embedded systems are the key innovation driver to improve almost all mechatronic products with cheaper and even new functionalities. Furthermore, they strongly support todays information society as in...
2014-04-01 | Financiado
IDE4L: Ideal Grid for All TTYSAATIO tramitó un FP7: The IDE4L project will define, develop and demonstrate the entire system of distribution network automation, IT systems and applications for active network management. Active distribution networks wil...
2013-09-01 | Financiado
DREAM: Distributed Renewable resources Exploitation in electric grids through Advanced heterarchical Management INSTITUT POLYTECHNIQUE DE GRENOBLE tramitó un FP7: The DREAM project will lay the foundations for a novel heterarchical management approach of complex electrical power grids, providing new mechanisms for consumer involvement in economical and ecologic...
2013-09-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.