Specific Challenge:Recognising the increasing importance of securing our European Digital Society against cybersecurity threats, a significant increase in related Research and Innovation activities has been observed such as the development of local cybersecurity and privacy innovation clusters, as well as investment driven at regional and national level.In order to maximise thematic synergies between H2020, EU and national efforts in the area of cybersecurity R&I, a better overview of these activities is needed.
Globally, an exchange of views and possible cooperation around cybersecurity and privacy research and innovation approaches, policies and best practices with like-minded third countries is also necessary in order to bring relevant elements of comparison and allow European stakeholders (public and private) to actively participate in those discussions which will determine the future global cyber security landscape.
Scope:Proposals may cover one of the three strands identified below.
1. Synergies between H2020, EU Member States and associated countries R&I activities and cybersecurity innovation clusters.
Specific Challenge:Recognising the increasing importance of securing our European Digital Society against cybersecurity threats, a significant increase in related Research and Innovation activities has been observed such as the development of local cybersecurity and privacy innovation clusters, as well as investment driven at regional and national level.In order to maximise thematic synergies between H2020, EU and national efforts in the area of cybersecurity R&I, a better overview of these activities is needed.
Globally, an exchange of views and possible cooperation around cybersecurity and privacy research and innovation approaches, policies and best practices with like-minded third countries is also necessary in order to bring relevant elements of comparison and allow European stakeholders (public and private) to actively participate in those discussions which will determine the future global cyber security landscape.
Scope:Proposals may cover one of the three strands identified below.
1. Synergies between H2020, EU Member States and associated countries R&I activities and cybersecurity innovation clusters.
Proposals should address two main challenges:
- Foster and promote European cybersecurity and privacy research and innovation
- Maximise synergies between R&I actions at EU and national levels;
Proposals shall be of a 4 year duration to cover projects from 2014-2015 and 2016-2017 WPs.
Proposals should therefore:
Identify Cybersecurity innovation clusters across EU Member States and promote their interaction and cooperation; Map the cybersecurity and privacy end-users landscape and identify their specific needs which should be addressed through innovative solutions while taking into consideration all relevant prior work in this area (in particular from FP7 and CIP); Organise an annual workshop bringing together participants from the EU clusters and participants in EU funded research and innovation projects; In order to address both the technology supply and end-users demand side in cybersecurity and privacy, Digital Security and Privacy in ICT are recognised as challenges across individual H2020 pillars challenges and are addressed in many relevant R&I areas. For example, in LEIT-ICT these issues are addressed in embedded systems, micro-electronics, smart cards, 5G, cloud computing, big data, IoT…). In order to achieve maximum possible synergies and cross-fertilization between relevant research and innovation activities, it is needed to cluster the many projects encompassing security and privacy R&I into a Digital Security and Privacy Cluster for H2020; Produce a detailed report of Member State national cybersecurity and privacy related Research & Innovation programmes and research agendas in order to identify the areas where EU funding may achieve maximum impact; Identify new opportunities for cybersecurity innovation in Europe by looking at emerging trends and disruptive technologies (such as quantum cryptography); Provide input into the work of the NIS Platform WG3 Strategic Research agenda, ENISA and national cybersecurity and privacy R&I road mapping initiatives at Member State level; Identify and synthesize relevant policy, regulatory, economic, aspects including education and skills; Identify and support standardisation efforts of proposals in the Digital Security Calls and propose actions to be included in the European Commission's ICT Standardisation Rolling Plan. Identify and connect relevant market agents, capitalising on European strengths in the cybersecurity sector, including business drivers, technology enablers, and deployment challenges, from both supply and demand sides 2. International dialogue with Japan
Encourage and facilitate an exchange of views between the relevant EU and Japanese stakeholders on matters relating to cybersecurity and privacy R&I trends and challenges; identify and map the relevant legislation and policies in place stimulating the innovation and deployment of cybersecurity solutions. Support the EU-Japan ICT dialogue in the area of cybersecurity; Identify opportunities for future cooperation between the European research and innovation ecosystems (including standardisation) and policy makers and the corresponding institutional and private Japanese entities. In line with the EU's strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation, international cooperation is encouraged, and in particular with international research partners involved in ongoing discussions and workshops, with the European Commission. Legal entities established in countries not listed in General Annex A and international organisations will be eligible for funding only when the Commission deems participation of the entity essential for carrying out the action 3. International dialogue with the USA
Encourage and facilitate an exchange of views between the relevant EU and the US stakeholders on matters relating to cybersecurity and privacy R&I trends and challenges; identify and map the relevant legislation and policies in place stimulating the innovation and deployment of cybersecurity solutions. Identify opportunities for future cooperation between the European research and innovation ecosystems (including standardisation) and policy makers and the corresponding federal and private US entities. Launch a multistakeholder reflection between European and US institutional, research and think tanks addressing the international, technical as well as socio-political challenges in cybersecurtity; In line with the EU's strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation, international cooperation is encouraged, and in particular with international research partners involved in ongoing discussions and workshops, with the European Commission. Legal entities established in countries not listed in General Annex A and international organisations will be eligible for funding only when the Commission deems participation of the entity essential for carrying out the action The Commission considers that proposals requesting the following contributions from the EU would allow these areas to be addressed appropriately:
up to EUR 2 million for strand 1 upt to EUR 0,5million each for strands 2 and 3 Nonetheless this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected Impact: Identify and prioritise R&I topics across the EU. Foster and promote European cybesecurity innovation activities Increase the international visibility of EU activities in cybersecurity. Identify potential European and international common approaches in addressing cybersecurity challenges from a R&I as well as a governance and institutional perspective.
Delegation Exception Footnote:This activity directly aims at supporting the development and implementation of evidence base for R&I policies and at supporting various groups of stakeholders, public-public partnerships with Member States and associated countries as well as the promotion of coherent and effective cooperation with third countries. It is excluded from the delegation to the Research Executive Agency and will be implemented by the Commission services.
Cross-cutting Priorities:Socio-economic science and humanitiesInternational cooperation
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