Innovating Works
EDF-2025-RA-C4ISR-MIDS-STEP: Multifunctional Information Distribution System
Expected Impact:The outcome should contribute to:
Sólo fondo perdido 39M €
Esta convocatoria está abierta temporalmente Convocatoria de ayuda abierta temporalmente del 18-02-2025 hasta el 15-10-2025.
Presentación: Consorcio Consorcio: Esta ayuda está diseñada para aplicar a ella en formato consorcio..
Esta ayuda financia Proyectos: Objetivo del proyecto:

Expected Impact:The outcome should contribute to:

Improve EU sovereignty and autonomy of EU Member States’ and EDF Associated Countries’ Armed Forces when deployed in coalitions.Enhance C4ISR interoperability between EU Member States’ and EDF Associated Countries’ armed forces and other partner Nations.Reduce dependencies on non-EU suppliers by boosting the EDTIB and promoting the development of a EU solution.Europe’s resilience and EU technological sovereignty. Objective:The Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) is an indispensable C4ISR capability to facilitate international conflict prevention and crisis management in all phases of operations. EU Member States (MS) and EDF Associated Countries have already used various types of MIDS in recent operations to provide tactical Link 16 interoperability between their major platforms (e.g., fighters, frigates, etc.).

The EU commonly agreed EU defence objectives underline the need for C4ISR to enhance situational understanding, decision-making and coordination of forces and effects across land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace.

In the coming years, MIDS capability is threatened to f... ver más

Expected Impact:The outcome should contribute to:

Improve EU sovereignty and autonomy of EU Member States’ and EDF Associated Countries’ Armed Forces when deployed in coalitions.Enhance C4ISR interoperability between EU Member States’ and EDF Associated Countries’ armed forces and other partner Nations.Reduce dependencies on non-EU suppliers by boosting the EDTIB and promoting the development of a EU solution.Europe’s resilience and EU technological sovereignty. Objective:The Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) is an indispensable C4ISR capability to facilitate international conflict prevention and crisis management in all phases of operations. EU Member States (MS) and EDF Associated Countries have already used various types of MIDS in recent operations to provide tactical Link 16 interoperability between their major platforms (e.g., fighters, frigates, etc.).

The EU commonly agreed EU defence objectives underline the need for C4ISR to enhance situational understanding, decision-making and coordination of forces and effects across land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace.

In the coming years, MIDS capability is threatened to fall totally under the control of non-EU manufacturers with MS relying on non-EU terminals to carry out their missions. Due to the sensitive nature of military operations and the restrictions on technology transfer that prevent MS and EDF Associated Countries from adapting the MIDS terminal to EU platforms, the development of a EU MIDS is key to reduce dependency on non-EU solutions and to ensure sovereignty in this strategically relevant area.

Specific objective

The MIDS is an advanced information distribution system that provides Communication, Navigation and Identification (CNI) capabilities in an integrated form for application to air, land and maritime tactical operations. These capabilities are provided in support of operational tasks through the ability of the system to:

Distribute encrypted information at a high data rate in Electromagnetic Countermeasures (ECM) environments.Interconnect scattered sources of information such as surveillance, support, and intelligence on a continuing real time basis with selectable levels of connectivity among force elements such as weapon systems, weapon controllers and decision-making commanders.Provide mobile surface and airborne force elements with a relative navigation capability within a common position reference grid.Provide an identification capability through the dissemination of crypto-secure position, velocity, and identity information concerning both friendly and hostile force elements. The specific objective of this topic is to design, develop and build a demonstrator of a radiocommunication system that provides this critical defence capability to respond to future security challenges.

This call topic contributes to the STEP objectives, as defined in STEP Regulation, in the target investment area of deep and digital technologies.

Scope:Proposals must design, develop and test a demonstrator of a European Fighter MIDS (F-EMIDS) terminal with an innovative SCA (Software Communication Architecture) to exceed or be at least comparable to the systems and capabilities available at the time of its entry into service.

Types of activities

The following types of activities are eligible for this topic:

Types of activities

(art 10(3) EDF Regulation)



Activities that aim to create, underpin and improve knowledge, products and technologies, including disruptive technologies, which can achieve significant effects in the area of defence (generating knowledge)




Activities that aim to increase interoperability and resilience, including secured production and exchange of data, to master critical defence technologies, to strengthen the security of supply or to enable the effective exploitation of results for defence products and technologies (integrating knowledge)




Studies, such as feasibility studies to explore the feasibility of new or upgraded products, technologies, processes, services and solutions




Design of a defence product, tangible or intangible component or technology as well as the definition of the technical specifications on which such design has been developed, including partial tests for risk reduction in an industrial or representative environment




System prototyping of a defence product, tangible or intangible component or technology



Testing of a defence product, tangible or intangible component or technology



Qualification of a defence product, tangible or intangible component or technology



Certification of a defence product, tangible or intangible component or technology



Development of technologies or assets increasing efficiency across the life cycle of defence products and technologies


Accordingly, the proposals must cover at least the following tasks as part of mandatory activities:

Studies: Set up the configurations to be recognised in the design.Identify, analyse and mitigate critical technical risks especially regarding overall integration and certification considerations.Perform a life-cycle-cost-analysis and management.Contribute to the definition and analysis of the Concept of Operations (CONOPS) supported by the relevant stakeholders. Design: Select applicable technologies.Design the needed modules.Cover detailed design activities after the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) until at least the Critical Design Review (CDR) of the Fighter MIDS (F-EMIDS) terminal (i.e., terminal form fit designed for fighters).Manufacture all functional modules and components of the demonstrator.Ensure manufacturing ability with efficient supply chain.Perform laboratory functional testing to: Evaluate system functions and electronic warfare (EW) performance.Verify functions and properties against technical requirements.Validate preliminary requirements against operational needs and mission requirements. Functional requirements

The proposed product and technologies should meet the following functional requirements:

Transmit and receive Link 16 datalink following the ATDLP-1.75 which encompasses: Waveform (WF) signal generation.WF reception.Interaction with the host system to configure the radio.Interaction with the host system to exchange Link16 messages.Interaction with the host system to exchange Voice. Transmit tactical data with Host platform according to ATDLP-5.16.Include TACAN capability to be implemented into the fighter environment. The Air/Air and Ground/Air mode are required. No transponder requirement is required (only the ping network function).Include future airborne stealth WF capability as growth potential in terms of: Baseband WF signal generation and interfaces with front-end antennas.Baseband WF reception.Security function with a Secure Data Unit SDU (crypto component).Interaction with the host system to convoy operational messages. Include other capabilities in the airborne environment in term of: Cosite environment using suppression signal (input / output).Built in test, monitoring, and status to report to the operator.Navigation information exchange.Message Filtering.Cryptographic elements management. Comply with Software Defined Radio SCA standards. All elements necessary for the targeted WF to be executed are required. These elements are not only in terms of hardware to support software processing and waveform processing, but also the operational environment for the SDR.Support the WF operational life cycle and in charge of maintaining data during standby.Encompass hardware constraints, such as: Mechanical.Thermal.Interference protection requirements.Constraints related to security for the global F-EMIDS radio.Constraints related to security for the EL16 WF.Constraints related to security for the airborne stealth WF.Constraints related to security for the EMIDS-C security rules. Include various capabilities linked to the design to support security, safety, and airworthiness rules.Apply required engineering rules and regulation rules. ver menos

Temáticas Obligatorias del proyecto: Temática principal:

Características del consorcio

Ámbito Europeo : La ayuda es de ámbito europeo, puede aplicar a esta linea cualquier empresa que forme parte de la Comunidad Europea.
Tipo y tamaño de organizaciones: El diseño de consorcio necesario para la tramitación de esta ayuda necesita de:

Características del Proyecto

Requisitos de diseño: Duración:
Requisitos técnicos: Expected Impact:The outcome should contribute to: Expected Impact:The outcome should contribute to:
Capítulos financiables: Los capítulos de gastos financiables para esta línea son:
Personnel costs.
Los costes de personal subvencionables cubren las horas de trabajo efectivo de las personas directamente dedicadas a la ejecución de la acción. Los propietarios de pequeñas y medianas empresas que no perciban salario y otras personas físicas que no perciban salario podrán imputar los costes de personal sobre la base de una escala de costes unitarios
Purchase costs.
Los otros costes directos se dividen en los siguientes apartados: Viajes, amortizaciones, equipamiento y otros bienes y servicios. Se financia la amortización de equipos, permitiendo incluir la amortización de equipos adquiridos antes del proyecto si se registra durante su ejecución. En el apartado de otros bienes y servicios se incluyen los diferentes bienes y servicios comprados por los beneficiarios a proveedores externos para poder llevar a cabo sus tareas
Subcontracting costs.
La subcontratación en ayudas europeas no debe tratarse del core de actividades de I+D del proyecto. El contratista debe ser seleccionado por el beneficiario de acuerdo con el principio de mejor relación calidad-precio bajo las condiciones de transparencia e igualdad (en ningún caso consistirá en solicitar menos de 3 ofertas). En el caso de entidades públicas, para la subcontratación se deberán de seguir las leyes que rijan en el país al que pertenezca el contratante
Otros Gastos.
Madurez tecnológica: La tramitación de esta ayuda requiere de un nivel tecnológico mínimo en el proyecto de TRL 5:. Los componentes se integran de forma que la configuración del sistema coincida con la aplicación final en casi todos los aspectos. Se prueba el rendimiento en un entorno operativo simulado. La diferencia principal con el TRL 4 es el aumento a una fidelidad media y la aplicación al entorno real. + info.
TRL esperado:

Características de la financiación

Intensidad de la ayuda: Sólo fondo perdido + info
Fondo perdido:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Conditions1. Admissibility Conditions: Proposal page limit and layoutdescribed in section 5 of the call document
Proposal page limits and layout: described in Part B of the Application Form available in the Submission System.
2. Eligible Countriesdescribed in section 6 of the call document.
3. Other Eligible Conditionsdescribed in section 6 of the call document.
4. Financial and operational capacity and exclusiondescribed in section 7 of the call document.
5a. Evaluation and award: Submission and evaluation processesdescribed section 8 of the call document and the Online Manual.
5b. Evaluation and award: Award criteria, scoring and thresholdsdescribed in section 9 of the call document.
5c. Evaluation and award: Indicative timeline for evaluation and grant agreementdescribed in section 4 of the call document.
6. Legal and financial set-up of the grantsdescribed in section 10 of the call document.
Call document and annexes: Call document (available shortly)
Application form templates
Standard application form (EDF) — the application form specific to this call is available in the Submission System
Detailed budget table (EDF RA)
Participant information (EDF)
List of infrastructure, facilities, assets and resources (EDF)
Actual indirect cost methodology declaration (EDF)
Ownership control declaration 
PRS declaration (EDF) 
Model Grant Agreements (MGA)
EDF, ASAP and ED...
Conditions1. Admissibility Conditions: Proposal page limit and layoutdescribed in section 5 of the call document
Proposal page limits and layout: described in Part B of the Application Form available in the Submission System.
2. Eligible Countriesdescribed in section 6 of the call document.
3. Other Eligible Conditionsdescribed in section 6 of the call document.
4. Financial and operational capacity and exclusiondescribed in section 7 of the call document.
5a. Evaluation and award: Submission and evaluation processesdescribed section 8 of the call document and the Online Manual.
5b. Evaluation and award: Award criteria, scoring and thresholdsdescribed in section 9 of the call document.
5c. Evaluation and award: Indicative timeline for evaluation and grant agreementdescribed in section 4 of the call document.
6. Legal and financial set-up of the grantsdescribed in section 10 of the call document.
Call document and annexes: Call document (available shortly)
Application form templates
Standard application form (EDF) — the application form specific to this call is available in the Submission System
Detailed budget table (EDF RA)
Participant information (EDF)
List of infrastructure, facilities, assets and resources (EDF)
Actual indirect cost methodology declaration (EDF)
Ownership control declaration 
PRS declaration (EDF) 
Model Grant Agreements (MGA)
Additional documents: EDF Annual Work Programme
EDF Regulation 2021/697
EDF Programme Security Instruction (PSI)
EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509
Rules for Legal Entity Validation, LEAR Appointment and Financial Capacity Assessment 
EU Grants AGA — Annotated Model Grant Agreement 
Funding & Tenders Portal Online Manual 
Funding & Tenders Portal Terms and Conditions 
Funding & Tenders Portal Privacy Statement
No exige Garantías
No existen condiciones financieras para el beneficiario.

Información adicional de la convocatoria

Efecto incentivador: Esta ayuda tiene efecto incentivador, por lo que el proyecto no puede haberse iniciado antes de la presentación de la solicitud de ayuda. + info.
Respuesta Organismo: Se calcula que aproximadamente, la respuesta del organismo una vez tramitada la ayuda es de:
Meses de respuesta:
Muy Competitiva:
No Competitiva Competitiva Muy Competitiva
El presupuesto total de la convocatoria asciende a
Presupuesto total de la convocatoria.
Minimis: Esta línea de financiación NO considera una “ayuda de minimis”. Puedes consultar la normativa aquí.

Otras ventajas

Sello PYME: Tramitar esta ayuda con éxito permite conseguir el sello de calidad de “sello pyme innovadora”. Que permite ciertas ventajas fiscales.
EDF-2025-RA-C4ISR-MIDS-STEP Multifunctional Information Distribution System
en consorcio: Expected Impact:The outcome should contribute to: Improve EU sovereignty and autonomy of EU Member States’ and EDF Associated Countries’ Ar...
¡nueva convocatoria abierta! | Desde 18-02-2025 Hasta el 15-10-2025