Innovating Works


Utilizing Pig By-products as Heat Source to Save Recycling and Energy Cost.
BIGAS ALSINA, a family owned company specialized on machinery manufacturing for the Food sector, aims tocommercialize PigHeat, a novel technology that allows processing pig fur and pig roughing.Right now, pig fur and roughing are... BIGAS ALSINA, a family owned company specialized on machinery manufacturing for the Food sector, aims tocommercialize PigHeat, a novel technology that allows processing pig fur and pig roughing.Right now, pig fur and roughing are simply dried in order to reduce weight and volume, and used as fertilizer in landfills. Inother words, pig meat processing means that there is a waste that actually needs to be disposed of, which is the leastdesirable effect of waste. Not only does pig meat processing incur waste disposal, it also implies an important investment inenergy to remove water as well as removal cost. This cost is directly paid by the slaughterhouse.Through the proposed PigHeat processes, pig fur and roughing can be used as an alternative source of fuel that createssteam and service water instead of using gas, diesel or electricity. The meat processing industry consumes high amounts ofenergy. By using pig fur and roughing as fuel, an environmental waste problem is transformed into an important way to save15% of heating energy, while promoting waste valorization and a circular economy within the sector.This is achieved in 4-steps: i) homogenization, ii) hydrolysis, iii) drying and iv) combustion. The obtained product is a Co2neutral biomass with exceptionally high heating value (even higher than wood pellets) that can be used in the dailyoperations of the same installation.Due to the stringent waste regulations, the 1,700 medium sized slaughterhouses in Europe are looking for a solution. Notonly that, they are operating on very low margins and PigHeat will allow them to cut energy expenses, thereby increasingprofits. Buying PigHeat implies certain costs for slaughterhouses, however the savings will fully have paid for the machineryin less than two years. Offering attractive payment modules, our innovative solution is likely to conquer the market swiftly. ver más
Duración del proyecto: 21 meses Fecha Inicio: 2016-11-01
Fecha Fin: 2018-08-31

Línea de financiación: concedida

El organismo H2020 notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2018-08-31
Línea de financiación objetivo El proyecto se financió a través de la siguiente ayuda:
Presupuesto El presupuesto total del proyecto asciende a 2M€
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BIGAS ALSINA "articulo 2 . constituye el objeto de la sociedad el diseno, ingenieria, fabricacion, comercializacion, instalacion, manipulacion y mantenim...
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