Innovating Works


QSAR computational models self-using platform for EC Regulation-REACH Chemicals substances are presented in daily life like cosmetics, functional food or agro-industry. The EC Regulation1907/2006 for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), for the production and... Chemicals substances are presented in daily life like cosmetics, functional food or agro-industry. The EC Regulation1907/2006 for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), for the production and use ofchemicals when they are produced/imported in/to Europe in an amount greater than 1 ton/year has two major and clearcustomer paint points: first, REACH implies very high costs due to the experimental and administrative work required, whichrepresents a particularly sensitive issue for SMEs. Second, REACH implies the need for a huge number of animal tests todemonstrate the safety of chemicals under approval. Animal experiments require much time for preparation and execution,and are expensive and ethically questionable. Instead, QSAR computational models represent significant savings in time,resources and money, since the applicability of predictive models is ease and immediate. And this business need from theEuropean chemical industry SMEs is our market opportunity, by the final development of a novel high scalable technologicalplatform of easy access to experienced and non-experienced end-users. These platform will include QSAR models of(eco)toxicology of chemicals -including nanomaterials (NMs)- to comply with the strict EC Regulation, where assays withanimals in some specific domains, such as cosmetic, are completely forbidden. This customer self-using platform will includean additional tool for the evaluation of the appropriateness of replacing the chemicals studied for alternative compoundswhich a safer (eco)toxicological profile. ProtoQSAR is a five years’ company that arises from more than fifteen years ofactivity and experience of its team members, both academic and industrial sides, currently providing consulting servicesrelated to these predictive models used by different industries. Our goal is to make the leap from consulting through thevalidation and scaling up this high-potential opportunity in its sector. ver más
Duración del proyecto: 5 meses Fecha Inicio: 2018-09-01
Fecha Fin: 2019-02-28

Línea de financiación: concedida

El organismo H2020 notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2019-02-28
H2020 No se conoce la línea exacta de financiación, pero conocemos el organismo encargado de la revisión del proyecto.
Presupuesto El presupuesto total del proyecto asciende a 71K€
Líder del proyecto
PROTOQSAR 2000 No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.