Innovating Works


Multi-actor design of low-waste food value chains through the demonstration of i...
Multi-actor design of low-waste food value chains through the demonstration of innovative solutions to reduce food loss and waste LOWINFOOD supports the reduction of food loss and waste in European Union by demonstrating innovative solutions following a multi-actor approach that involves actors along the entire value chains. The main objective of the project... LOWINFOOD supports the reduction of food loss and waste in European Union by demonstrating innovative solutions following a multi-actor approach that involves actors along the entire value chains. The main objective of the project is to co-design, together with actors of the food chain, low-waste value chains by supporting the demonstration of a portfolio of innovations in the fruits & vegetables, bakery products and fish value chains, as well as in a-home and out-of-home consumption. Proposed solutions are already tested as prototype in lab or in relevant environment but are waiting to be validated and demonstrated to TRL 7/8. The impact of the innovations will be evaluated by providing evidence of (i) their efficacy in reducing food loss and waste in different food value chains, (ii) improving the socio-economic performance of these value chains, and (iii) reducing the environmental impact of the value chains concerned.LOWINFOOD comprises seven interrelated work packages, among which four deal with the demonstration and market replication of the innovations addressed by the project (WP2-5), one to be started before the demonstration of innovations, and seeking to implement a multi-actor approach to support the evaluation of the innovations and including the identification of the methodology, the definition of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the actual evaluation (WP1), one to communication, dissemination and market replication (WP6) and one for project coordination management (WP7).The LOWINFOOD consortium includes universities, research institutes, start-ups, foundations, associations and companies working in the food sector with expertise in all relevant scientific and technical areas covered by the project: innovation, demonstration, knowledge transfer, dissemination, policy advice and marketing strategy. ver más
Duración del proyecto: 51 meses Fecha Inicio: 2020-11-01
Fecha Fin: 2025-02-28

Línea de financiación: concedida

El organismo H2020 notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2020-11-01
Línea de financiación objetivo El proyecto se financió a través de la siguiente ayuda:
Presupuesto El presupuesto total del proyecto asciende a 6M€
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UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DELLA TUSCIA No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Perfil tecnológico TRL 4-5