Innovating Works


High performance Anaerobic digesters for the treatment of medium size wineries’...
High performance Anaerobic digesters for the treatment of medium size wineries’ effluents The aim of the AD-WINE project is to offer the opportunity for researchers from academic and industrial backgrounds to exchange knowledge and work together, in order to develop a common project in the field of anaerobic digestion... The aim of the AD-WINE project is to offer the opportunity for researchers from academic and industrial backgrounds to exchange knowledge and work together, in order to develop a common project in the field of anaerobic digestion and environmental solutions applied to the wine sector.This industry, which processes millions of tons of grapes every year, has consequences on the environment. The nature of the pollution generated by wineries is mainly organic, but mineral residues, earth, grease, detergents and disinfectants, toxic exogenous contaminants located in the grapes are also generated. This project aims to develop an anaerobic treatment system, using high performance digesters adapted to the treatment of medium size wineries’ effluents. The development of such digesters would help to lower the energy and operation costs of the plant, as well as significantly reducing the production of sludge and residues, and allowing a better valorisation of by-products and biogas.Thanks to the participation and exchange of personnel, the AD-WINE project partners will create an effective network of research and will collaborate in order to study this treatment system and develop a prototype. This will offer wineries an alternative to other current ways of treating water, offering countless environmental and economical advantages, and would allow the wine sector to comply with the legislation and the European objectives in terms of production of renewable energies. By participating in this project, the non-commercial research participants will have the opportunity to give a practical and commercial value to their research, whilst for the participating SME, it is the chance to gain knowledge on cutting edge technology and to develop innovative products, enhancing its growth and expansion prospects. ver más
Duración del proyecto: 47 meses Fecha Inicio: 2011-12-01
Fecha Fin: 2015-11-30

Línea de financiación: concedida

El organismo FP7 notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2015-11-30
Presupuesto El presupuesto total del proyecto asciende a 778K€
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AGUA ENERGIA Y MEDIOAMBIENTE SERVICIOS INTEGR... La sociedad tiene por objeto. la prestacion de servicios tecnicos para la mejora del medioambiente, especialmente en sus aspectos relacionad...
Perfil tecnológico TRL 4-5 452K