Innovating Works


Development of an innovative manufacturing process for the in-LINE COAting of pu...
Development of an innovative manufacturing process for the in-LINE COAting of pultruded composites COALINE will develop a in-line clean one-stage process, which is free of VOCs and small particles emissions, able to produce properly coated composite pultruded profiles by means of the development of the sensing technology, advan... COALINE will develop a in-line clean one-stage process, which is free of VOCs and small particles emissions, able to produce properly coated composite pultruded profiles by means of the development of the sensing technology, advanced mould design and microwave aided curing needed to foster an improved composite – coating adhesion with a reduced labor and process cost. COALINE profiles will be joined to other materials by means of a primer type coating, incorporated also in-line, with bonding on-demand properties.Composites obtained by means of the COALINE technology will be protected with the selected coating, with a minor cost to the non-coated profiles in a fast, automated and smart manufacturing process, fostering the implementation of lightweight materials in applications such as aeronautics, automotive, marine, building, etc. The coating of the profile will provide specific properties to the composites, such as corrosion resistance in aggressive environments, fire resistance for buildings or improved surface properties (brightness, aspect or colour).COALINE technology will produce coated pultruded composite profiles made out of glass or carbon fibers and polyester, vinylester or epoxy resins. The coatingCOALINE aims to address the production of valuable coated pultruded profiles by means of the following innovations:• A microwave heating system that will reduce the polymerization time and the energy employed to produce the composites.• New range of modified resins and gel-coats with MW susceptors to improve radiation absorption and achieve a fast curing process.• An innovative control system to foster the adhesion of the coating to the composite by means of a controlled curing degree in each stage of the process.• The development of innovative fast curing primers to permit the employment of de-bonding on demand adhesives to foster the adhesion between the composite and other metallic part, the recycling and maintenance of the pultruded structures. ver más
Duración del proyecto: 41 meses Fecha Inicio: 2013-09-01
Fecha Fin: 2017-02-28

Línea de financiación: concedida

El organismo FP7 notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2017-02-28
Presupuesto El presupuesto total del proyecto asciende a 5M€
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AIMPLAS-ASOCIACIÓN DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE MATERI... Es el fomento de la investigación científica y desarrollo tecnológico del sector del plástico, el incremento de la exportación y de la calid...
Perfil tecnológico TRL 2-3 13M