Innovating Works

José Daniel Álvarez Teruel

José Daniel Álvarez Teruel

Doctor in Educational Sciences from the University of Murcia, he currently works as a contracted professor at the University of Alicante.In his academic career, he began as a professor of EGB (a body he accessed after obtaining direct access). Later he was a teacher of Secondary Education (body to which he accedes after overcoming the opposition). He has also been a School Counselor in the work team of a School Psychopedagogical Service, of which he was also Director.At the University level, in addition to teaching, he has also performed different management tasks. He has been Secretary and Deputy Director of the Department to which he is attached, and for eight years he was Coordinator of Teacher Training and Coordinator of the Tutorial Action Program of the Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) of the University of Alicante. He was also the coordinator of one of the Department's work areas.In his teaching work, his passage through all non-university levels stands out, in addition to having been a school counselor and trainer of trainers in different CEFIRES in the province of Alicante. In his university teaching, the quantity and variety of subjects taught at different academic levels stands out, as well as his abundant complementary training in this field. He has also been the coordinator of different subjects.In his research curriculum, the collaboration in research projects financed by public entities stands out, his main lines of research being Information and Communication Technologies, Inclusive Education, Evaluation of school rejection and psychoeducational variables in Compulsory Secondary Education, university teaching , educational transitions, and teaching practices. In addition, he has coordinated numerous research groups to develop innovation projects within the REDES program of the ICE of the University of Alicante.As a result of this participation in numerous research and innovation projects, he has published articles in specialized journals of Pedagogy, Psychology and other related disciplines, with an international impact index (Journal Citation Reports), as well as various book chapters and teaching texts. He has also participated in numerous national and international congresses.
20 Trabajos publicados
UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Universidad Universidad de Alicante.
20 Trabajos publicados Early Detection of Academic Performance During Primary Education Using the Spanish Primary School Aptitude Test (AEI) Battery.
Tecnologías Este investigador todavia no tiene tecnologías de sus trabajos
Perfil de ORCID 0000-0002-9539-9709