Innovating Works
AIDE: Adaptive Multimodal Interfaces to Assist Disabled People in Daily Activities FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSITAS MIGUEL HERNANDEZ tramitó un H2020: Around 80 million people in the EU, a sixth of its population, have a disability. Beside this, accessibility is a basic right for all persons with disabilities according to the article 9 of the United...
2015-02-01 | Financiado
No One Left Behind: No One Left Behind As stated in Forbes, .. the world of education is going to go through one of the most massive changes in the next five years than it has seen in the last three thousand years. It’s a perfect storm. Th...
2015-01-01 | Financiado
NUBOMEDIA: NUBOMEDIA: an elastic Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud for interactive social multimedia Universidad Rey Juan Carlos tramitó un FP7: Vison: NUBOMEDIA is the first cloud platform specifically designed for hosting interactive multimedia services. Its architecture is based on media pipelines: chains of elements providing media capabil...
2014-02-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.