Innovating Works


Mostrando 1 al 20 de 3561 resultados
FUTURE: Fostering a common approach for the regulation of Artificial Intelligence in procedural criminal systems Universidad Complutense de Madrid tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Artificial intelligence is rapidly permeating diverse domains. In the criminal procedural field, AI is enhancing the efficiency of law enforcement authorities and criminal justice systems in both prev...
2024-04-22 | Financiado
PHOTOWAT: Photoactive Metal-Organic Framework for Solar-Driven Atmospheric Water Harvesting in Arid Climates Universidad Complutense de Madrid tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Atmospheric water harvesting (AWH) using solar energy has gained significant attention; however, its application in arid climates poses challenges due to low relative humidity (RH) and reduced efficie...
2024-03-13 | Financiado
Medi_Zawiya: Philanthropy, Sufism and Legitimacy in the Medieval Islamic West: The Study of Zawiyas as a Socio-Religious Institution Universidad Complutense de Madrid tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: This proposal aims to approach the social, political and architectural dimension of the zawiya. This is to say an Islamic institution linked to Sufism that has largely determined the religious life of...
2024-03-13 | Financiado
REPAIR: Characterizing dynamics and drivers of resilience across scales in Patagonian rangelands Universidad Complutense de Madrid tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Increasing aridity due to climate change is a major factor that has dramatically altered the structure of Patagonian drylands, which has resulted in changes in ecosystem structure and functioning, e.g...
2024-03-08 | Financiado
IOSC: IntraOral Scanning in dental Caries UNIVERSITA TA MALTA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Caries disease is a global health and economy burden experienced by 2 billion of adults and 500 millions of children around the world. Visual exam and dental radiography are the standard methods for d...
2024-02-14 | Financiado
ENIMUS: INVESTIGATION OF THE ENANTIOMERIC IMBALANCE IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM THROUGH ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROPOLARIMETRY Universidad Complutense de Madrid tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Amino acids and the reference nucleobases for RNA and DNA can be formed in space ice under high energy, vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) irradiation. This statement is based on twenty years of laboratory rese...
2023-10-13 | Financiado
PLAN-B: The Path Towards Addressing Adverse Impacts of Light and Noise Pollution on Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecosystems UNIVERSITEIT GENT tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The rate of global biodiversity decline is unprecedented and accelerating. Urban sprawl, population growth and industrialization bring previously unrecognised drivers of biodiversity loss, including l...
2023-10-04 | Financiado
RESOUND: Giving Voice to Hispanic Chant through a Phylogenetic Study of Medieval Plainchant Universidad Complutense de Madrid tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Plainchant, the sacred Christian chant, is the most ancient Western corpus preserved in musical notation. Before the unifying adoption of the Gregorian liturgy throughout Europe in the 9th century, a...
2023-07-25 | Financiado
MAGWIRE: Exchange-coupled nanowire-nanoplatelet composites for high-performance sustainable magnets Universidad Complutense de Madrid tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: In the MAGWIRE project, we will explore the fundamental mechanisms, optimize the performance and upscale the synthetic protocol for the next generation of sustainable high-performance nanocomposite pe...
2023-07-06 | Financiado
BIOMICAR: Biological Microswimmers for Cargo Delivery Systems: Modelling, Simulations and Experiments Universidad Complutense de Madrid tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Bacteria, protozoa and microalgae have evolved mechanisms to self-propel. The interactions between different types of Biological Microswimmers (BM) are relevant in natural processes such as the regula...
2023-04-24 | Financiado
Blood and Tears: Blood and Tears: The Emotional Experience of Classical Greek Warfare Universidad Complutense de Madrid tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Blood and Tears: the Emotional Experience of Classical Greek Warfare aims to provide the first comprehensive and scientific analysis of the emotional aspects of Classical Greek military campaigns in t...
2023-04-21 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.