Innovating Works
RTC-2017-6744-4: Generación de imágenes ultrasónicas de piezas de geometría compleja mediante el uso de robots industriales TECNITEST INGENIEROS tramitó un AEI: La constante necesidad de superar las barreras tecnológicas que se marca el sector aeronáutico, plantea nuevos retos a corto, medio y largo plazo, En este contexto, las plataformas tecnológicas MATERP...
2018-01-01 | Financiado
ShipTest: Fully automated laser guided inspection robot for weld defect detection on ship hulls I DIMOULIS CO EE tramitó un H2020: The European ship fleet counts 23,000 vessels, accounting for the 40% of the global gross tonnage. Marine industry is a major prosperity engine of the EU contributing a total of €147bn to the GDP and...
2016-11-01 | Financiado
PolyTest: Ultrasonic Phased Array Non-Destructive Testing and In-Service Inspection System for high integrity Polyethylene Pipe Welds with automated analysis software. TWI LIMITED tramitó un H2020: • The need arises from the greater use of PE pipes with a lower capital, installation, operation & maintenance cost and corrosion free during service but is limited through not having a suitable NDT t...
2016-06-01 | Financiado
INDGEAR: On-line early damage diagnosis, prognosis and root cause analysis for Industrial multi-stage gearboxes used in the water industry MIKROSAY YAZILIM VE ELEKTRONIK ENERJI SANAYI TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI tramitó un FP7: The balance between water demand and availability has reached a critical level in many areas of Europe, according to the European Environment Agency and it is expected that the situation will be exace...
2014-06-01 | Financiado
HOTPHASEDARRAY: High Temperature Pipe Structural Health Monitoring System utilising Phased Array probes on TOFD configuration INETECINSTITUT ZA NUKLEARNU TEHNOLOGIJU DRUSTVO S OGRANICENOM ODGOVORNOSCU ZA ISTRAZIVACKO RAZVOJNE I KONSULTING USLUGE PROIZVODNJU I TRGOVINU tramitó un FP7: Uncertainties in the calculation of the lifetime of superheated steam pipes in power plants that contain a minor defect create situations with potentially catastrophic results, typically costing €120...
2014-01-01 | Financiado
SPRINKTEST: Medium range Ultrasonic inspection technique for detecting micro-biologically induced corrosion in automatic fire sprinkler systems TWI LIMITED tramitó un FP7: The installation of sprinklers can result in substantial reductions in insurance premiums and so insurance companies are becoming increasingly interested in their proper installation and function. For...
2013-11-01 | Financiado
WINTUR DEMO: In-situ wireless monitoring of on - and offshore WINd TURbine blades using energy harvesting technology - Demonstration INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE LIMITED INNOTECUK tramitó un FP7: WINTUR Demonstration Project will demonstrate the structural health monitoring (SHM) system that was developed successfully in the WinTur R4S project, in order to show that such a system is viable for...
2012-09-01 | Financiado
SpotTrack: Development of an automated spot weld inspection device for safe vehicle repair VERMON SA tramitó un FP7: There are over three thousand spot welds in a typical car. When a car is repaired the spot welding parameters can be different as the mass production machinery used in manufacture can no longer be use...
2011-11-01 | Financiado
CRANESInspect: Continuous Reliable Advanced Novel Efficient Structural Health Monitoring system for crane inspection applications AINOOUHAOU ANONYMI ETAIRIA tramitó un FP7: There is a vital need for systems to continuously monitor the structural health of the cranes. Cranes are of the most common machinery used in industry. Cranes of any type are used for the manipulati...
2011-10-01 | Financiado
X-Scan: Laser-guided inspection robot for the Non-Destructive Testing of thin steel gauge welds in the shipping industry TWI LIMITED tramitó un FP7: Ocean going ships are the most cost effective form of transporting bulk goods around the world. To date, Europe owns nearly 40% of the world’s fleet of ships, which account for 90% of its external tra...
2011-10-01 | Financiado
INTRAPID: Innovative inspection techniques for laser powder deposition quality control TWI LIMITED tramitó un FP7: Laser Powder Deposition is a recently developed technology for manufacture of small intricate metal parts such as thoseused in aerospace and automobile engines. This technology has significant potenti...
2011-09-01 | Financiado
HOTSCAN: Long range ultrasonic system for continuous in service inspection and structural health monitoring of high temperature superheated steam pipes in power generation plant with 100% coverage PLANT INTEGRITY LTD tramitó un FP7: A typical electricity power plant of 500MW (both nuclear and conventional) has up to 4 kilometres of pipe work carrying superheated steam at pressures of up to 400 bars and temperatures up to 580 oC....
2011-02-01 | Financiado
ULTRACLEANPIPE: Ultrasonic detection and removal of fouling inside industrial and domestic pipes BRUNEL UNIVERSITY LONDON tramitó un FP7: Fouling, as defined in this project, is the presence of unintended and unwanted deposits on the inside walls of industrial plant such as pipes, storage vessels, reactor vessels etc. Its occurrence is...
2010-12-01 | Financiado
SHIP INSPECTOR: DETECTION OF SAFETY CRITICAL CRACKS AND CORROSION IN SHIPS USING NOVEL SENSORS AND SYSTEMS BASED ON ULTRASONIC LINEAR PHASED ARRAY TECHNOLOGY TWI LIMITED tramitó un FP7: Structural failure is a major cause of the wreckage of ships, vessels and tankers and causes loss of life and pollution of the seas and coastal waters of Europe as follows: §In 2004, the total amount...
2009-04-01 | Financiado
QUALITI: Development of New and Novel Quality Control System for the Inspection of Titanium Components in Safety Critical Applications in the Aerospace Industry TWI LIMITED tramitó un FP7: European SMEs in the field of none destructive testing do not have the technological capability to reliably test titanium materials, and as a result risk are losing competitiveness in this €600million...
2008-10-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.