Innovating Works
MACBETH: Membranes And Catalysts Beyond Economic and Technological Hurdles EVONIK OPERATIONS GMBH tramitó un H2020: The MACBETH consortium provides a breakthrough technology for advanced downstream processing by combining catalytic synthesis with the corresponding separation units in a single highly efficient catal...
2019-11-01 | Financiado
LIFEOMEGA: Innovative highly concentrated Omega-3 Specialized Nutrition Product SOLUCIONES EXTRACTIVAS ALIMENTARIAS tramitó un H2020: The objective of the project is the industrial and market development of a high concentrated Omega3 EPA nutritional product addressed to improve the health of cancer patients.LIFEOMEGA-cancer can be c...
2017-03-01 | Financiado
LIFEOMEGA: Innovative highly concentrated Omega 3 food supplement SOLUCIONES EXTRACTIVAS ALIMENTARIAS tramitó un H2020: The project aims to develop an innovative food supplement consisting on a high concentrated emulsion of Omega-3 fatty acid EPA. Omega-3 is utilized as a treatment in psoriasis, arthritis, asthma, mult...
2015-07-01 | Financiado
COSMOS: Camelina & crambe Oil crops as Sources for Medium-chain Oils for Specialty oleochemicals STICHTING WAGENINGEN RESEARCH tramitó un H2020: The COSMOS proposal aims to reduce Europe’s dependence on imported coconut and palm kernel oils and fatty acids and castor oil as sources for medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA, C10–C14) and medium-chain...
2015-03-01 | Financiado
RTC-2015-4185-1: INVESTIGACIÓN EN EL FRACCIONAMIENTO DE ACEITES ENRIQUECIDOS CON PRECURSORES DE MEDIADORES LIPIDICOS CON ACTIVIDAD ANTI-INFLAMATORIA Y PRO-RESOLUTIVA. APLICACIÓN AL DISEÑO Y DESARROLLO DE APÓSITOS PARA TRATAMIENTO DE CICATRIZACIÓN DE HERIDAS CRÓNICAS SOLUCIONES EXTRACTIVAS ALIMENTARIAS tramitó un AEI: Uno de los principales problemas no resueltos de las heridas crónicas para favorecer su cicatrización, está relacionado con la respuesta inflamatoria que tiene lugar en la herida, La inflamación es es...
2015-01-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.