Innovating Works
FOX: Innovative down-scaled FOod processing in a boX DIL DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FUR LEBENSMITTELTECHNIK EV tramitó un H2020: The unique FOX approach will research and develop innovative, small scale technologies in mobile or flexible processing units for different applications for small and medium enterprises and farmers in...
2019-06-01 | Financiado
YPACK: HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYHYDROXYALKANOATES BASED PACKAGING TO MINIMISE FOOD WASTE AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS tramitó un H2020: The main objective of YPACK is the pre-industrial scale up and validation of two innovative food packaging solutions (thermoformed tray and flow pack bag) based on PHA, with active and passive barrier...
2017-11-01 | Financiado
PTQ-13-06387: XPS LIFE LINPAC PACKAGING PRAVIA tramitó un AEI: 2013-01-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.