Innovating Works
LEVIS: Advanced Light materials for sustainable Electrical Vehicles by Integration of eco-design and circular economy Strategies INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE ARAGON tramitó un H2020: The aim of LEVIS Project would be to develop a new manufacturing route able to fill the current industrial gap present in mass production automotive applications. By adopting an eco- and circular desi...
2021-02-01 | Financiado
SimInSitu: In-silico Development- and Clinical-Trial-Platform for Testing in-situ Tissue Engineered Heart Valves 4REALSIM SERVICES BV tramitó un H2020: SimInSitu is aiming to develop a sophisticated in-silico method to predict the short- and long-term behavior of in-situ tissue engineered heart valves by combing advanced tissue remodeling algorithms...
2021-01-01 | Financiado
BRAV3: Computational biomechanics and bioengineering 3D printing to develop a personalized regenerative biological ventricular assist device to provide lasting functional support to damaged hearts UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA tramitó un H2020: Ischemic heart disease is the main cause of death in the EU, straining patients and economies. Regenerative Medicine has failed at delivering a definitive solution, and even the breakthrough of cell r...
2020-01-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.