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Proyectos de GASERA OY

GASERA OY no tiene proyectos abiertos en este momento.

IRON: High sensitivity multi-gas handheld gas analysis technology

GASERA OY tramitó un H2020: GASERA, a high tech Finnish SME, aims to develop and commercialise the IRON handheld device for sub-parts per billion (ppb) gas detection based on proprietary mid-infrared laser spectroscopy combined...
2015-09-01 | Financiado

MUSE-TECH: MUlti SEnsor Technology for management of food processes

GASERA OY participó en un FP7: The concept behind MUSE-Tech is the development of three single sensors (Photoacoustic, Quasi Imaging UV-Vis and a Distributed Temperature) which will be integrated in a versatile and affordable Multi...
2013-10-01 | Financiado

DOGGIES: Detection of Olfactory traces by orthoGonal Gas identification technologIES

GASERA OY participó en un FP7: Border security is one of the key security challenges to be taken up by Europe in the following years. In particular, the deployment of practical efficient means to detect hidden persons and illegal s...
2012-06-01 | Financiado

GASPRO-BIO-WASTE: Universal Gasification Process Analyser for Bio Mass and Organic Waste Treatment

GASERA OY participó en un FP7: One of the most promising green processes” for power and combined heat generation is the production of hydrogen and biogas by gasification of biomass or organic waste. Especially if the tremendous amo...
2011-01-01 | Financiado

VITISPEC: An affordable, easy to use tool for monitoring the wine production process, based on FTIR/ATR and an attached PAS gas cell

GASERA OY participó en un FP7: The wine industry, which is made up of thousands of SMEs and family business, is an important contributor to the EU economy, providing countless jobs in vine cultivation and harvesting, wine productio...
2010-09-01 | Financiado

CUSTOM: Drugs and Precursor Sensing by Complementing Low Cost Multiple Techniques

GASERA OY participó en un FP7: A large number of techniques have been developed in the latest decades, which are able to screen and identify specific molecules for drug precursors detection even at very low concentration in lab tes...
2010-06-01 | Financiado

OPTIMALT: A rapid and reliable tool for assessing the malting quality of barley using automated optical analysis

GASERA OY participó en un FP7: The EU malting barley industry supplies almost 50% of global malting barley requirements. The sustainability of thousands of EU SME farmers depend on the competitiveness of this industry, as is the qu...
2009-12-01 | Financiado

ZERO-VOC: Monitoring and controlling volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions by using novel on-line FTIR/iPAS technology

GASERA OY participó en un FP7: Strict limits have been set for volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions due to their direct and indirect effects on the environment and the potential risk to human health. Industrial plants using s...
2009-11-01 | Financiado

PROBIO-HYSENS: Process gas analysis for bio and hydrogen gas mixtures using new high pressure in Situ sensors

GASERA OY participó en un FP7: To achieve energy generation from sustainable resources the production of bio mass and the hydrogen economy are now featured worldwide with a tremendous effort. The processes for producing and cleanin...
2008-10-01 | Financiado

MINIGAS: Miniaturised photoacoustic gas sensor based on patented interferometric readout and novel photonic integration technologies

GASERA OY participó en un FP7: High-sensitivity gas sensors measure the presence of trace gases. They have a wide range of applications. Finnish SME Gasera has recently developed a MEMS-based mechanism for detecting the pressure wa...
2008-04-01 | Financiado

* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.

GASERA OY no tiene proyectos rechazados.