Innovating Works
Mostrando 1 al 20 de 162 resultados
EBO-PEP: The EBO-PEP project : EBOla Zaïre Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, preparedness and efficacy evaluation during outbreak in Central and West-Africa. INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreaks represent significant threats to public health and require effective countermeasures to minimize transmission and reduce mortality. The r-VSV-ZEBOV vaccine (Ervebo®...
2024-05-24 | Financiado
TB-QUEST: Questioning the Epidemiology of Subclinical Tuberculosis FUNDACION PRIVADA INSTITUTO DE SALUD GLOBAL BARCELONA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality around the world. The majority of TB control policies rely on the binary paradigm of TB, which focus on interventions tackling ‘laten...
2024-04-18 | Financiado
MalDiProT: Malaria diagnosis and prognosis with an electrokinetic-driven aptamer-based lateral flow assay. FUNDACION PRIVADA INSTITUTO DE SALUD GLOBAL BARCELONA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Malaria remains a public health concern, with 247 million cases and 619,000 deaths reported globally in 2021. Despite the increasing prevention and control measures driven by the World Health Organiza...
2024-04-17 | Financiado
STOOL4TB: Evaluating a new stool based qPCR for diagnosis of tuberculosis in children and people living with HIV FUNDACION PRIVADA INSTITUTO DE SALUD GLOBAL BARCELONA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The COVID-19 pandemic had a devastating impact on tuberculosis (TB) control. In 2020, the number of people newly diagnosed with TB decreased by 18% despite a rising global TB burden. Intensified effor...
2024-04-13 | Financiado
REGENERATE: REstorative GENder-specific ExpeRiences in urbAn naTural Environments FUNDACION PRIVADA INSTITUTO DE SALUD GLOBAL BARCELONA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: REGENERATE explores gender differences in how urban natural environments (UNE, comprising parks, seaside, and other green and blue spaces in cities) can support psychological restoration (i.e. recover...
2024-03-21 | Financiado
PROTECT: PReparing for Optimal Phase III/IV maTErnal Group B StreptococCal vaccine Trials in Africa (PROTECT) FUNDACION PRIVADA INSTITUTO DE SALUD GLOBAL BARCELONA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Two vaccines designed for pregnant women, to protect their unborn infant, are entering late phase development and will prevent infections from group B Streptococcus and respiratory syncytial virus, re...
2024-02-27 | Financiado
PREPARE-TID: Pipeline for Rapid Diagnostics of Emergency Transboundary Infectious Diseases UNIVERSITAET LEIPZIG tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: It has become apparent that the ease of travelling, global warming, and changes in the environment accelerate the spread of infectious diseases of zoonotic origin. International collaboration is essen...
2023-12-11 | Financiado
ENDOMIX: Understanding how endocrine disruptors and chemical mixtures of concern target the immune system to trigger or perpetuate disease HELMHOLTZZENTRUM FUR UMWELTFORSCHUNG GMBH UFZ tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The ENDOMIX project addresses the urgent need to understand the true impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on human health in order to inform regulators and advise citizens. ENDOMIX will tac...
2023-11-13 | Financiado
FORECAST-AIR: Open-Access Forecasting System of the Health Effects of Air Pollution FUNDACION PRIVADA INSTITUTO DE SALUD GLOBAL BARCELONA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Air pollution represents a major global environmental health problem. 99% of the world population lives in locations where international air quality guidelines are not met. Overall, ambient air pollut...
2023-06-29 | Financiado
EpiGen Ethiopia: BUILDING SCALABLE PATHOGEN GENOMIC EPIDEMIOLOGY FOR ETHIOPIA STICHTING AMSTERDAM INSTITUTE FOR GLOBAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The 21st century witnesses increased incidence of epidemics (Zika, dengue, Ebola, SARS), with as latest highlight the recent COVID-19. Following the outbreak of several infectious diseases during the...
2023-06-29 | Financiado
SEARCH II: Strengthening Regulatory Capacities for Clinical Trials Oversight in Southern Africa: South-South and South-North Collaboration Initiative for Regulatory Bodies. FUNDACION PRIVADA INSTITUTO DE SALUD GLOBAL BARCELONA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: The Southern Africa Regulatory for Clinical Research (SEARCH) is a consortium established in 2020 under the second program of the EDCTP, designed to develop and promote a framework for collaboration,...
2023-06-06 | Financiado
HUMALCOR: Identifying molecular features of potent antibody and memory B-cell responses associated with RTS,S malaria vaccine efficacy FUNDACION PRIVADA INSTITUTO DE SALUD GLOBAL BARCELONA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: Malaria is the most important parasitic disease being a leading cause of death among young children, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. In the context of the World Health Organization (WHO) strategic...
2023-05-02 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.