Innovating Works
RENAISSANCE: RENewAble Integration and SuStainAbility iN energy CommunitiEs VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL tramitó un H2020: Leading smart grid solution providers and research groups join forces to integrate a range of consumer-focused innovations into existing service platforms. The project will support Industry leaders AB...
2019-05-01 | Financiado
DREEAM: Demonstration of an integrated Renovation approach for Energy Efficiency At the Multi building scale CHALMERS TEKNISKA HOEGSKOLA AB tramitó un H2020: DREEAM aims to demonstrate replicable Net Zero Energy residential building renovation approaches achieving 75% total Net Energy Demand reduction- an improvement of 60% to state of the art market pract...
2015-10-01 | Financiado
DoF: District of the Future TELEFÓNICA I+D tramitó un FP7: Cities are increasingly recognizing the need of addressing climate and energy challenges. The District of the Future (DoF) project is a project funded by the European Union (EU) with the objective to...
2013-11-01 | Financiado
* Datos extraídos de la documentos o webs disponibles en diferentes organismos públicos.