Expected Outcome:Proposals are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
Support the coordination of marine and maritime research and innovation activities with Atlantic Ocean stakeholders, integrating the North and South Atlantic dimension, aligned with the priorities identified in the 2022 All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA) Declaration, with the aim of facilitating knowledge exchange, structure its integration as well as stimulating all forms of innovation, in view of providing benefit to local communities;Consolidated integration of partners and newcomers to the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance and enhanced visibility to the activities through targeted communication actions and coordination of visual identity;Support to the governance, implementation and reporting of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance;Forged links and coordination with other important EU and international activities such as the European Mission Restore Our Ocean and Waters by 2030, and in particular its Atlantic-Arctic Lighthouse, the Horizon Europe Partnership for a Sustainable Blue Economy, and organisations...
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Expected Outcome:Proposals are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
Support the coordination of marine and maritime research and innovation activities with Atlantic Ocean stakeholders, integrating the North and South Atlantic dimension, aligned with the priorities identified in the 2022 All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA) Declaration, with the aim of facilitating knowledge exchange, structure its integration as well as stimulating all forms of innovation, in view of providing benefit to local communities;Consolidated integration of partners and newcomers to the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance and enhanced visibility to the activities through targeted communication actions and coordination of visual identity;Support to the governance, implementation and reporting of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance;Forged links and coordination with other important EU and international activities such as the European Mission Restore Our Ocean and Waters by 2030, and in particular its Atlantic-Arctic Lighthouse, the Horizon Europe Partnership for a Sustainable Blue Economy, and organisations in charge of protection of the marine and coastal environment in the Atlantic, such as the OSPAR and Abidjan Conventions, in delivering coordinated activities in the Atlantic Sea Basin, while ensuring its interlinks with the adjacent polar areas;Foster active contribution from the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance to achieving the goals of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030, the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the Convention on Biological Diversity, to Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ), as well as G7 and G20 related activities;Facilitated synergies in youth and gender programmes and capacity development for early career professionals; educational and inter-generational activities in favour of youth and communities living on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Scope:The actions should aim at supporting a wider understanding of the opportunities and promoting a sustainable management of the Atlantic Ocean as a whole, through a large-scale basin effort involving both the northern and the southern parts of this ocean, and its interlinks with the adjacent polar areas. To achieve this, it will be necessary to bring together and systematically connect scientists, a wide range of public and private stakeholders, including civil society and youth, with data, knowledge, expertise, capacities, infrastructures and resources.
Building on the pre-existing cooperative efforts under the Galway and Belém Statements and the existing and future bilateral administrative arrangements between the EU and Atlantic partner countries, this cooperation can continue to converge towards the implementation of a systemic approach by linking and jointly tackling the climate-food-ocean challenges, including extreme events and sea level rise. Overall, activities should contribute to upscaling cooperation along and across the Atlantic Ocean, including the specific on-going and future activities and initiatives related to the Arctic and Antarctica. They should include upscaling of long-term partnerships building also on on-going initiatives such as the All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassadors, joint actions, working groups, pledging platform, etc, for the benefit of the All-Atlantic local communities. This action is expected to bring research and innovation results for their benefit and to also empower for and link early career professional to all these activities.
The action should:
Contribute with professional support to the organization, monitoring, communication, and outreach activities of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance and Innovation work, in particular to the annual All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance Forum, and any other major relevant events;Consolidate existing initiatives (All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassadors, joint actions, working groups, etc.) building on the outcomes of the 2022 AAORIA Fora. Continue providing basic support for joint activities (in particular in their initial phase) in the priority areas identified in the 2022 All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance Declaration, ensuring their long-term self-sustainability;Facilitate a structured dialogue and coordination between the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance and relevant national and regional stakeholders, such as the Benguela Current Commission, the Abidjan Convention, indigenous communities, as well as networks and initiatives operating in the polar seas;Link with relevant international bodies, supporting the All-Atlantic contributions to the UN Decade of Ocean Science, and facilitating dialogue and synergies with other EU instruments (e.g., Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters, Mission Adaptation to Climate Change, and the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership) relevant for the All-Atlantic work, is part of the activities to be undertaken under this action. Proposals should include a strong involvement of citizens/civil society, together with academia/research, industry/SMEs and government/public authorities.
In order to achieve the expected outcomes, international cooperation is mandatory. Consortia submitting proposals to this topic are encouraged to include in particular participants from countries endorsing the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance Declaration.
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