Expected Outcome:Successful proposal will contribute to the expected impacts of Destination ‘Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal’, and the European policies it supports, by supporting the establishment of the innovative governance models notably to achieve better-informed decision-making processes, social engagement and innovation.
Projects results are expected to contribute to all following expected outcomes:
Developing a co-creation programme and guidelines on improved knowledge exchange and awareness raising for biotechnology with focus on bio-based innovation.Improvement of innovation uptake for modern and emerging key enabling technologies, in particular (industrial) biotechnology and related bio-based value chains across the EU, supporting the EU Bioeconomy Strategy Action Plan[1] and the Industrial Strategy.Creation of the forum to foster an inclusive, science-oriented mutual learning platform, engaging all actors, especially those in the advisory capacity, policy makers at all levels, the civil society and the biotechnology sector.Reinforcing the evidence-based understanding of potent...
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Expected Outcome:Successful proposal will contribute to the expected impacts of Destination ‘Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal’, and the European policies it supports, by supporting the establishment of the innovative governance models notably to achieve better-informed decision-making processes, social engagement and innovation.
Projects results are expected to contribute to all following expected outcomes:
Developing a co-creation programme and guidelines on improved knowledge exchange and awareness raising for biotechnology with focus on bio-based innovation.Improvement of innovation uptake for modern and emerging key enabling technologies, in particular (industrial) biotechnology and related bio-based value chains across the EU, supporting the EU Bioeconomy Strategy Action Plan[1] and the Industrial Strategy.Creation of the forum to foster an inclusive, science-oriented mutual learning platform, engaging all actors, especially those in the advisory capacity, policy makers at all levels, the civil society and the biotechnology sector.Reinforcing the evidence-based understanding of potential positive (benefits) and negative impacts of biotechnology. Development of the transparent and inclusive trust building measures for the implementation of industrial biotechnology, and bio-based innovation according to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Scope:Transparent and informed governance and innovation, such as industrial- and other types of biotechnology, based on evidence and underpinned by public trust, could contribute to improved resource efficiency, limit the wastage, enable an increased innovation capacity of all actors, and contribute to industrial competitiveness with new products and services.The key priorities in this regard are the consumer and environmental safety, both in terms of respecting the planetary boundaries (e.g., limiting the potential higher resource consumption), and a capacity to transparently address the risks through the risk analysis framework, while taking into account diverse social attitudes and understanding especially regarding environmental (e.g., biodiversity) considerations.Proposals will benefit from social creativity and engagement and will seek to support the improved understanding at all scales to unleash the innovation for bio-based systems, taking care to address their potential advantages in terms of feedstock, resources, processes, materials and products. Impacts and trade-offs, such as resource efficiency, carbon and biodiversity footprint and potential negative health and environmental effects of the whole value chains shall be considered[2].The proposals will seek complementarities with related actions on governance of bio-based innovation and ensure inclusiveness and engagement of all actors[3].International cooperation is encouraged, aiming at exchange of best practice at global level.This topic requires the effective contribution of SSH disciplines and the involvement of SSH experts, institutions as well as the inclusion of relevant SSH expertise, in order to produce meaningful and significant effects enhancing the societal impact of the related research activities. [1] Action 3.1.3. Study and analysis of enablers and bottlenecks and provide voluntary guidance to the deployment of bio-based innovations.
[2] See parallel topic HORIZON-CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-5: Industrial biotechnology approaches for improved sustainability and output of industrial processes.
[3] E.g., see parallel topic HORIZON-CL6-2024-CircBio-01-9: Bioeconomy project development assistance, other topics in this Destination and activities of the Circular Bio-based Europe JU.
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