Innovating Works
HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-07: Scaling up logistics innovations supporting freight transport decarbonisation in an affordable way
Expected Outcome:Projects are expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes:
Sólo fondo perdido 0 €
Esta convocatoria está cerrada Esta línea ya está cerrada por lo que no puedes aplicar. Cerró el pasado día 05-09-2024.
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Presentación: Consorcio Consorcio: Esta ayuda está diseñada para aplicar a ella en formato consorcio..
Esta ayuda financia Proyectos:

Expected Outcome:Projects are expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes:

Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 55%[1] by 2030 in the project networks, without reducing the overall performance of the logistics supply chain and taking account of all costs and externalities.Gains in terms of operational efficiency and environmental impact from the implementation of the Physical Internet[2] are clearly identified, demonstrated and measured.Logistics concepts speeding up freight decarbonisation and adoption of zero emissions vehicles/vessels and multimodality are developed. Scope:Building on previously funded projects and ongoing activities (e.g. Connecting Europe Facility, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects), ensuring compliance with the data sharing framework pursued by the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF), and taking into account the development of the common European mobility data space, proposals will pilot, demonstrate and scale up systemic collaborative solutions regarding logistics nodes, multimodal logistics networks connectivity, business and governance models. The focus will be on both digital and physical interoperability as well a... ver más

Expected Outcome:Projects are expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes:

Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 55%[1] by 2030 in the project networks, without reducing the overall performance of the logistics supply chain and taking account of all costs and externalities.Gains in terms of operational efficiency and environmental impact from the implementation of the Physical Internet[2] are clearly identified, demonstrated and measured.Logistics concepts speeding up freight decarbonisation and adoption of zero emissions vehicles/vessels and multimodality are developed. Scope:Building on previously funded projects and ongoing activities (e.g. Connecting Europe Facility, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects), ensuring compliance with the data sharing framework pursued by the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF), and taking into account the development of the common European mobility data space, proposals will pilot, demonstrate and scale up systemic collaborative solutions regarding logistics nodes, multimodal logistics networks connectivity, business and governance models. The focus will be on both digital and physical interoperability as well as on the adoption of zero-emission vehicles/vessels.

Proposals will have to research and demonstrate in a structured and systemic way all of the following points:

Demonstrate at least 10 working open standard processes, procedures and services across several logistics nodes providing seamless access to users. Processes, procedures, and services are expected to have an open access definition and scalability aspects need to be addressed.Develop and demonstrate further compatibility and interoperability of the full range of standardised multimodal transport units (from containers to boxes), also across transport modes.To achieve scalable multimodal logistics networks connectivity, demonstrate models and processes, supported by Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, etc., which can increase utilisation of assets and resources in actual logistics service providers’ networks dynamically. These models should also consider how to increase the adoption of automated and zero-emission vehicles/vessels and the use of rail and inland waterways through multimodal solutions.Demonstrate tools, technologies and processes to achieve different types of flows compatibility (e.g. through shared standard boxes) and synchro-modal solutions over the logistics service providers’ networks, involving shippers and retailers to that purpose.Demonstrate the benefit (e.g. GHG reductions vs increased operational costs) of decentralised inventory positions in the pooled logistics network allowing low speed multimodal transport for (re-)positioning stock levels and answering short term lead times with closer to consumer inventory positions (e.g. full visibility of inventory positions in retail networks extended to suppliers and logistics service providers).Test and demonstrate sound business and governance models and rules (including organisational change requirements) for resource-sharing across logistics networks, to ensure operational efficiency of freight movements irrespective of mode, nodal operations and freight characteristics.Test and demonstrate the functionalities and relevance of the data sharing framework, serving for optimisation of the logistic system, including through the establishment of an appropriate semantic model and its components, such as for instance Digital Twins with specific algorithms allowing for predictive planning of logistic related events. Synergies for rail will need to be sought with the EU-Rail Programme projects implementing the Transversal Topic on Digital enablers and Flagship Area 5[3].Develop and demonstrate scalability of the proposed solutions providing open access mechanisms and low thresholds to the system of logistics networks. Consider realising visualisation and simulation models and tools to show the practical use of collaborative models for the various types of stakeholders and the potential benefits based on actual cases. Develop specific actions to encourage, facilitate and ensure the access of SMEs and smaller players.Measure and demonstrate the benefits in terms of use of resources, affordability of proposed solutions, throughput capacity and environmental impact of the scaled up horizontal collaboration among logistics networks (system of logistics networks). If projects use satellite-based earth observation, positioning, navigation and/or related timing data and services, beneficiaries have to describe if and how the use of Copernicus and/or Galileo/EGNOS are incorporated in the proposed solutions. In addition, if the activities proposed involve the use and/or development of AI-based systems and/or techniques, the technical and social robustness of the proposed systems is to be described in the proposal.

[1] In line with the 2030 Climate Target Plan the baseline for the greenhouse gas emissions reduction is at least 55% below 1990 levels.

[2] ”The Roadmap to the Physical Internet” was developed in the frame of the EU-funded project SENSE, ref.

[3] See EU-Rail Multi Annual Work programme at

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Temáticas Obligatorias del proyecto: Temática principal:
Projects aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% in project networks by 2030 without compromising logistics efficiency, focusing on Physical Internet implementation for operational efficiency and decarbonization. The objective is to develop logistics concepts favoring zero emissions vehicles, multimodality, and interoperable systems across logistics nodes. Projects aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% in project networks by 2030 without compromising logistics efficiency, focusing on Physical Internet implementation for operational efficiency and decarbonization. The objective is to develop logistics concepts favoring zero emissions vehicles, multimodality, and interoperable systems across logistics nodes.

Sustainable Transport

Características del consorcio

Ámbito Europeo : La ayuda es de ámbito europeo, puede aplicar a esta linea cualquier empresa que forme parte de la Comunidad Europea.
Tipo y tamaño de organizaciones: El diseño de consorcio necesario para la tramitación de esta ayuda necesita de:

Características del Proyecto

Requisitos de diseño: *Presupuesto para cada participante en el proyecto
Requisitos técnicos: The expected impacts of the project include:
1. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 within logistics networks.
2. Improved operational efficiency and environmental impact through the implementation of the Physical Internet.
3. Development of logistics concepts to accelerate freight decarbonization and promote the adoption of zero-emission vehicles/vessels and multimodality.

These impacts will be achieved through the pilot, demonstration, and scaling up of collaborative solutions focusing on logistics nodes, multimodal logistics networks connectivity, digital and physical interoperability, and the adoption of zero-emission vehicles/vessels in the logistics sector. The use of standard processes, compatibility of transport units, AI-supported models, tools for flow compatibility, decentralized inventory management, business and governance models, data sharing frameworks, and scalability solutions will play a key role in achieving these outcomes. Collaborative efforts among stakeholders, including SMEs and smaller players, will be crucial for the success of the project, with a strong emphasis on resource usage, affordability, throughput capacity, and environmental impact assessment. Integration of satellite-based data and AI-based systems for efficient logistics operations will also be explored within the project.
The expected impacts of the project include:
1. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 within logistics networks.
2. Improved operational efficiency and environmental impact through the implementation of the Physical Internet.
3. Development of logistics concepts to accelerate freight decarbonization and promote the adoption of zero-emission vehicles/vessels and multimodality.
These impacts will be achieved through the pilot, demonstration, and scaling up of collaborative solutions focusing on logistics nodes, multimodal logistics networks connectivity, digital and physical interoperability, and the adoption of zero-emission vehicles/vessels in the logistics sector. The use of standard processes, compatibility of transport units, AI-supported models, tools for flow compatibility, decentralized inventory management, business and governance models, data sharing frameworks, and scalability solutions will play a key role in achieving these outcomes. Collaborative efforts among stakeholders, including SMEs and smaller players, will be crucial for the success of the project, with a strong emphasis on resource usage, affordability, throughput capacity, and environmental impact assessment. Integration of satellite-based data and AI-based systems for efficient logistics operations will also be explored within the project.
Capítulos financiables: Los capítulos de gastos financiables para esta línea son:
Personnel costs.
Subcontracting costs.
Purchase costs.
Other cost categories.
Indirect costs.
Madurez tecnológica: La tramitación de esta ayuda requiere de un nivel tecnológico mínimo en el proyecto de TRL 6:. Representa un paso importante en demostrar la madurez de una tecnología. Se construye un prototipo de alta fidelidad que aborda adecuadamente las cuestiones críticas de escala, que opera en un entorno relevante, y que debe ser a su vez una buena representación del entorno operativo real. + info.
TRL esperado:

Características de la financiación

Intensidad de la ayuda: Sólo fondo perdido + info
Fondo perdido:
Para el presupuesto subvencionable la intensidad de la ayuda en formato fondo perdido podrá alcanzar desde un 70% hasta un 100%.
The funding rate for IA projects is 70 % for profit-making legal entities and 100 % for non-profit legal entities. The funding rate for IA projects is 70 % for profit-making legal entities and 100 % for non-profit legal entities.
No exige Garantías
No existen condiciones financieras para el beneficiario.

Información adicional de la convocatoria

Efecto incentivador: Esta ayuda no tiene efecto incentivador. + info.
Respuesta Organismo: Se calcula que aproximadamente, la respuesta del organismo una vez tramitada la ayuda es de:
Meses de respuesta:
Muy Competitiva:
No Competitiva Competitiva Muy Competitiva
No conocemos el presupuesto total de la línea
Minimis: Esta línea de financiación NO considera una “ayuda de minimis”. Puedes consultar la normativa aquí.
Certificado DNSH: Los proyectos presentados a esta línea deben de certificarse para demostrar que no causan perjuicio al medio ambiente. + info

Otras ventajas

Sello PYME: Tramitar esta ayuda con éxito permite conseguir el sello de calidad de “sello pyme innovadora”. Que permite ciertas ventajas fiscales.
Deducción I+D+i:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
La empresa puede aplicar deducciones fiscales en I+D+i de los gastos del proyecto y reducir su impuesto de sociedades. + info
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en consorcio:
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