Innovating Works

filtrando por convocatoria: HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-03

D4RUNOFF: Data driven implementation of hybrid nature based solutions for preventing and managing diffuse poll... VANDCENTER SYD AS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01 D4RUNOFF overall goal is to create a novel framework for preventing and managing diffuse pollution from urban water runoff through the data...
2022-06-08 - 2026-02-28 | Financiado
WATERUN: Innovative methodology to prevent and mitigate diffuse pollution from urban water runoff ASOC. INVESTIGACION METALURGICA DEL NOROESTE tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01 WATERUN project aims to develop an innovative methodology to contribute to the implementation of urban water runoff management plans in citi...
2022-06-02 - 2026-05-31 | Financiado