Expected Outcome:In line with the European Green Deal’s zero pollution ambition, successful proposals will contribute to halt and prevent pollution of freshwater and soils, and consequently also protecting biodiversity, as addressed by several impacts under Destination ‘Clean environment and zero pollution’, in particular “Advanced understanding of diffuse and point sources of water pollution in a global and climate change context, enabling novel solutions to protect water bodies, aquatic ecosystems and soil functionality, and further enhancing water quality and its management for safe human and ecological use, while fostering the EU’s position and role in the global water scene.”
Project results are expected to contribute to some of the following expected outcomes:
Wider use of an enhanced knowledge base required to assess and monitor pollution sources, transport pathways and impacts of diffuse pollution conveyed to receiving water bodies by urban water runoff and storm water overflows, including forward looking approaches aimed to anticipate and prepare for future or emerging challenges.Implement advanced preventive and mitigating strategies to reduce di...
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Expected Outcome:In line with the European Green Deal’s zero pollution ambition, successful proposals will contribute to halt and prevent pollution of freshwater and soils, and consequently also protecting biodiversity, as addressed by several impacts under Destination ‘Clean environment and zero pollution’, in particular “Advanced understanding of diffuse and point sources of water pollution in a global and climate change context, enabling novel solutions to protect water bodies, aquatic ecosystems and soil functionality, and further enhancing water quality and its management for safe human and ecological use, while fostering the EU’s position and role in the global water scene.”
Project results are expected to contribute to some of the following expected outcomes:
Wider use of an enhanced knowledge base required to assess and monitor pollution sources, transport pathways and impacts of diffuse pollution conveyed to receiving water bodies by urban water runoff and storm water overflows, including forward looking approaches aimed to anticipate and prepare for future or emerging challenges.Implement advanced preventive and mitigating strategies to reduce diffuse pollution of urban waters based on source control measures and storm water management that also consider climate change impacts.Apply effective risk assessment and risk management strategies enabling early warning systems and delivering ready-made outputs for decision-making and governance in urban areas.Deploy innovative concepts, cost effective technologies and advanced sensors and monitoring approaches for sustainable waste water collection and urban drainage systems preventing pollution due to urban run-off.Comprehensive urban runoff and storm water management plans implementing holistic approaches at city/catchment level to ensure resilient urban water quality and climate adaptation.Broad uptake of advanced knowledge, breakthrough solutions and innovative technologies to enhance competitiveness of the EU water sector and fostering the EU’s position and role in the global water scene.Increasing the EU scientific and technological base and guidance on measures to manage storm water quality and evidence for policy-making and implementation.Science and evidence-based implementation of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals, notably the SDG 6 “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. Scope:Good quality of fresh water is essential for human wellbeing and health, for supporting healthy aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity, and crucial for agriculture and food production, three major components of the European Green Deal. Despite significant progress in reducing conventional water pollutants and improving freshwater quality, pollution loads from urban point and non-point sources remain an important challenge, particularly exacerbated in water scarce areas. Urban storm water runoff is a large contributor to diffuse pollution that impairs the quality of receiving waters and ecosystems and public health. Impacts of climate change, affecting e.g. the variability and intensity of precipitation, the concentration of pollutants and the temperature of runoff water, may further aggravate the problem.
Additional knowledge is needed on sources and transport pathways of diffuse pollution conveyed by urban runoff and storm water overflows, including emerging threats and challenges posed by climate change. This accurate knowledge is essential for developing preventive and mitigation strategies focussing on source control and storm water management measures.
Proposals in this field should aim to develop holistic approaches at city/catchment level ensuring resilient urban water runoff quality by considering different spatial and temporal scales and contexts, and different technologies. Urban runoff water quality management plans should consider micro-pollutants, contaminants of emerging concern, behavioural changes and societal and technical developments, including in relation to urban planning, buildings and mobility, construction and manufacturing materials, as well as sound risk management approaches. The identification and selection of measures to manage storm water quality will require engaging with relevant stakeholders, water utilities, public authorities and industry to develop guidance for decision makers and policy makers on urban runoff and storm water control measures and deploy easy and ready-made options for end users’ implementation.
Actions in this topic should also aim to develop innovative and integrated concepts and technologies, including digital advances, for urban drainage systems by combining advantages from blue-green-grey solutions and decentralised approaches to preventing and managing water pollution from urban runoff and storm water overflows.
In general, the participation of academia, research organisations, utilities, industry and regulators is strongly advised, as well as civil society engagement whenever necessary, also aiming to broaden the dissemination and exploitation routes and to better assess the innovation potential of developed solutions and strategies.
If appropriate, applicants are advised to seek complementarities and synergies, while avoiding duplication and overlap, with relevant actions funded under Horizon 2020 calls[1], as well as targeted topics supported in the last Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe calls, addressing micro/nano-plastics, persistent and mobile pollutants, such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), pharmaceuticals and contaminants of emerging concerns (CECs), pathogens and antimicrobial resistance.
In order to better address some or all of the expected outcomes, international cooperation is encouraged.
In this topic the integration of the gender dimension (sex and gender analysis) in research and innovation content is not a mandatory requirement.
[1] Including access and use of data and information collected through long-term environmental monitoring activities supported by national and/or European research infrastructures.
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