Scope:The overall objective of this action is to coordinate research and networking activities, and promote dissemination and use of knowledge as regards the political participation of seniors and the young in EU Member States, and social dialogue with a view to inter-generational solidarity.
Objectives pursued are to examine how, where and to what extent representatives of senior and young citizens participate or are consulted in the policy making process; how well they can articulate their interests in order to contribute to policies concerning the sustainability of social security and health care, and policies which promote employment. Geographical coverage of activities and best-practices analysed should extend to at least 5 EU Member States.
Expected Impact:Expected results should include advocacy and policy recommendations as regards greater inter-generational solidarity in social dialogue. Provide an overview of the current needs for strengthening existing initiatives of contribution of youth and seniors' organisation to national and regional social dialogue processes.
Propose feasible options for EU level policy interventio...
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Scope:The overall objective of this action is to coordinate research and networking activities, and promote dissemination and use of knowledge as regards the political participation of seniors and the young in EU Member States, and social dialogue with a view to inter-generational solidarity.
Objectives pursued are to examine how, where and to what extent representatives of senior and young citizens participate or are consulted in the policy making process; how well they can articulate their interests in order to contribute to policies concerning the sustainability of social security and health care, and policies which promote employment. Geographical coverage of activities and best-practices analysed should extend to at least 5 EU Member States.
Expected Impact:Expected results should include advocacy and policy recommendations as regards greater inter-generational solidarity in social dialogue. Provide an overview of the current needs for strengthening existing initiatives of contribution of youth and seniors' organisation to national and regional social dialogue processes.
Propose feasible options for EU level policy intervention fostering initiatives and support that could be provided by EU – in accordance with subsidiarity principle.
Propose options on awareness-raising targeted at stakeholders of existing initiatives to create best practice exchange and networking, policy makers, experts.
Develop policy briefs with policy recommendations tailored made to social partners and policy makers. These should highlight ways of advancing in the integration of youth and seniors' councils and organisations into social dialogue.
Types of activities eligible under this topic:
Conferences, seminars; Awareness and dissemination actions; Actions aiming at the creation and improvement of networks, exchanges of good practices; Research activities The duration of projects should be no more than 12 months.
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