Innovating Works
DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06 Cloud, data and artificial intelligence ExpectedOutcome:Deliverables The main deliverables of the action should be: a tested and validated suite of testing procedures and tools t...
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DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-SANDBOX AI regulatory sandboxes: EU-level coordination and support
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:Deliverables Common processes and tools for the operation of AI regulatory sandboxes under the AI Act, and the testing and...
Cerrada hace 3 meses
DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-INNOV EU AI Innovation Accelerator preparatory action
ExpectedOutcome:Deliverables Harmonised frameworks, tools and infrastructure at European level to support compliance with the AI Act that...
Cerrada hace 3 meses
DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-TESTAI Pilot action for the establishment of future Union Testing Facilities in AI
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:Deliverables The main deliverables of the action should be: a tested and validated suite of testing procedures and tools t...
Cerrada hace 3 meses