Innovating Works
DS-01-2016: Assurance and Certification for Trustworthy and Secure ICT systems, services and components
Specific Challenge:The constant discovery of vulnerabilities in ICT components, applications, services and systems is placing our entire digital society at risk. Insecure ICT is also imposing a significant cost on users (individuals and organisations) who have to mitigate the resulting risk by implementing additional technical and procedural measures which are resource consuming.
Sólo fondo perdido 0 €
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Esta ayuda financia Proyectos: Objetivo del proyecto:

Specific Challenge:The constant discovery of vulnerabilities in ICT components, applications, services and systems is placing our entire digital society at risk. Insecure ICT is also imposing a significant cost on users (individuals and organisations) who have to mitigate the resulting risk by implementing additional technical and procedural measures which are resource consuming.

Smart systems, highly connected cyber-physical systems (CPS) are introducing a high dynamism in the system to develop and validate. Hence, CPS are evolving in a complex and dynamic environment, making safety-critical decisions based on information from other systems not known during development.

Another key challenge is posed by domains, such as medical devices, critical infrastructure facilities, and cloud data centres, where security is deeply intertwined and a prerequisite for other trustworthiness aspects such as safety and privacy.

The challenges are further intensified by the increasing trend of using third party components for critical infrastructures, by the ubiquity of embedded systems and the growing uptake of IoT as well as the deployment of decentralized a... ver más

Specific Challenge:The constant discovery of vulnerabilities in ICT components, applications, services and systems is placing our entire digital society at risk. Insecure ICT is also imposing a significant cost on users (individuals and organisations) who have to mitigate the resulting risk by implementing additional technical and procedural measures which are resource consuming.

Smart systems, highly connected cyber-physical systems (CPS) are introducing a high dynamism in the system to develop and validate. Hence, CPS are evolving in a complex and dynamic environment, making safety-critical decisions based on information from other systems not known during development.

Another key challenge is posed by domains, such as medical devices, critical infrastructure facilities, and cloud data centres, where security is deeply intertwined and a prerequisite for other trustworthiness aspects such as safety and privacy.

The challenges are further intensified by the increasing trend of using third party components for critical infrastructures, by the ubiquity of embedded systems and the growing uptake of IoT as well as the deployment of decentralized and virtualized architectures.

In order to tackle these challenges, there is a need of appropriate assurances that our ICT systems are secure and trustworthy by design as well as a need of certified levels of assurance where security is regarded as the primary concern. Likewise, target architectures and methods improving the efficiency of assurance cases are needed in order to lower their costs.

Scope:a. Research and Innovation Actions - Assurance

Providing assurance is a complex task, requiring the development of a chain of evidence and specific techniques during all the phases of the ICT Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC for short: e.g. design verification, testing, and runtime verification and enforcement) including the validation of individual devices and components. These techniques are complementary yet all necessary, each of them independently contributing towards improving security assurance. It includes methods for reliability and quality development and validation of highly dynamic systems.

Proposals may address security, reliability and safety assurance at individual phases of the SDLC and are expected to cover at least one of the areas identified below, depending on their relevance to the proposal overall objectives:

Security requirements specification and formalization; Security properties formal verification and proofs at design and runtime Secure software coding; Assurance-aware modular or distributed architecting and algorithmic; Software code review, static and dynamic security testing; Automated tools for system validation and testing; Attack and threat modelling; Vulnerability analysis; Vendor (third-party) application security testing; Penetration testing; Collection and management of evidence for assessing security and trustworthiness; Operational assurance, verification and security policy enforcement; Adaptive security by design and during operation. Proposal should strive to quantify their progress beyond the state of the art in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Particular importance within this context should be placed on determining the appropriate metrics.

Proposals should take into account the changing threat landscape, where targeted attacks and advanced persistent threats assume an increasingly more important role and address the challenge of security assurance in state-of-the-art development methods and deployment models including but not limited to solutions focussing on reducing the cost and complexity of assurance in large-scale systems.

Proposals should include a clear standardisation plan at submission time.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 3 and 4 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

The outcome of the proposals are expected to lead to development up to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 to 5; please see part G of the General Annexes.

b. Innovation Actions – Security Certification

Proposals should address the challenge of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of existing security certification processes for state-of-the-art ICT components and products including the production and delivery of the corresponding guidance materials.

In terms of effectiveness, proposals should address, amongst other factors, emerging threats, compositional certification and reuse of components in the context of certified systems and certification throughout the operational deployment of a product or a service.

In terms of efficiency, proposals should strive to reduce the cost and duration of the certification process.

Proposals may address security certification in any area of their choice. Consortia submitting proposals are expected to approach the selected topic as widely as possible including all necessary actors – e.g. industry, academia, certification laboratories - and involve the relevant certification authorities from at least three Member States in order to achieve added value at a European level.

Proposals are encouraged to work towards moderate to high assurance level protection profiles as a way to validate their results.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 3 and 4 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

The outcome of the proposals are expected to lead to development up to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6 to 7; please see part G of the General Annexes.

c. Coordination and Support Actions

To complement the research and innovation activities in security assurance and certification in this topic, support and coordination actions should address the following:

Building trustworthiness: economic, legal and social aspects of security assurance and certification

Study in depth the economic and legal aspects related to assurance and certification (including European-wide labelling), EU and International regulatory aspects; Explore and identify the interplay of relevant social, cultural, behavioural, gender and ethical factors with ICT systems with regards to their trustworthiness and security, actual or perceived Identify barriers and incentives in the market for certified products in the consumer and/or enterprise market; Produce a comprehensive cost/benefit model for security assurance and certification; Engage with multidisciplinary communities and stakeholders.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 1 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected Impact: European ICT offering a higher level of assurance compared to non-European ICT products and services. ICT products and services more compliant with relevant European security and/or privacy regulations. ICT with a higher level of security assurance at marginally additional cost. Facilitation of mutual recognition of security certificates across the EU. Increased market uptake of secure ICT products. Increased user trust in ICT products and services. Reduction of negative externalities associated with deployment of insecure ICT. More resilient critical infrastructures and services. Progress beyond the state-of-the-art in the effectiveness and efficiency of the areas addressed by the proposals.
Cross-cutting Priorities:GenderSocio-economic science and humanities

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Temáticas Obligatorias del proyecto: Temática principal:

Características del consorcio

Ámbito Europeo : La ayuda es de ámbito europeo, puede aplicar a esta linea cualquier empresa que forme parte de la Comunidad Europea.
Tipo y tamaño de organizaciones: El diseño de consorcio necesario para la tramitación de esta ayuda necesita de:

Características del Proyecto

Requisitos de diseño: Duración:
Requisitos técnicos: Specific Challenge:The constant discovery of vulnerabilities in ICT components, applications, services and systems is placing our entire digital society at risk. Insecure ICT is also imposing a significant cost on users (individuals and organisations) who have to mitigate the resulting risk by implementing additional technical and procedural measures which are resource consuming. Specific Challenge:The constant discovery of vulnerabilities in ICT components, applications, services and systems is placing our entire digital society at risk. Insecure ICT is also imposing a significant cost on users (individuals and organisations) who have to mitigate the resulting risk by implementing additional technical and procedural measures which are resource consuming.
¿Quieres ejemplos? Puedes consultar aquí los últimos proyectos conocidos financiados por esta línea, sus tecnologías, sus presupuestos y sus compañías.
Capítulos financiables: Los capítulos de gastos financiables para esta línea son:
Personnel costs.
Los costes de personal subvencionables cubren las horas de trabajo efectivo de las personas directamente dedicadas a la ejecución de la acción. Los propietarios de pequeñas y medianas empresas que no perciban salario y otras personas físicas que no perciban salario podrán imputar los costes de personal sobre la base de una escala de costes unitarios
Purchase costs.
Los otros costes directos se dividen en los siguientes apartados: Viajes, amortizaciones, equipamiento y otros bienes y servicios. Se financia la amortización de equipos, permitiendo incluir la amortización de equipos adquiridos antes del proyecto si se registra durante su ejecución. En el apartado de otros bienes y servicios se incluyen los diferentes bienes y servicios comprados por los beneficiarios a proveedores externos para poder llevar a cabo sus tareas
Subcontracting costs.
La subcontratación en ayudas europeas no debe tratarse del core de actividades de I+D del proyecto. El contratista debe ser seleccionado por el beneficiario de acuerdo con el principio de mejor relación calidad-precio bajo las condiciones de transparencia e igualdad (en ningún caso consistirá en solicitar menos de 3 ofertas). En el caso de entidades públicas, para la subcontratación se deberán de seguir las leyes que rijan en el país al que pertenezca el contratante
Otros Gastos.
Madurez tecnológica: La tramitación de esta ayuda requiere de un nivel tecnológico mínimo en el proyecto de TRL 5:. Los componentes se integran de forma que la configuración del sistema coincida con la aplicación final en casi todos los aspectos. Se prueba el rendimiento en un entorno operativo simulado. La diferencia principal con el TRL 4 es el aumento a una fidelidad media y la aplicación al entorno real. + info.
TRL esperado:

Características de la financiación

Intensidad de la ayuda: Sólo fondo perdido + info
Fondo perdido:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Please read carefully all provisions below before the preparation of your application.
List of countries and applicable rules for funding: described in part A of the General Annexes of the General Work Programme.
Please also note that a number of non-EU/non-Associated Countries that are not automatically eligible for funding have made specific provisions for making funding available for their participants in Horizon 2020 projects (follow the links to China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Taiwan).
Eligibility and admissibility conditions: described in part B and C of the General Annexes of the General Work Programme
Proposal page limits and layout: Please refer to Part B of the standard proposal template.
3.1  Evaluation criteria and procedure, scoring and threshold: described in part H of the General Annexes of the General Work Programme, with the following exception:
Only the best proposal may be funded for part c) Coordination and Suport Action.
3.2 Submission and evaluation process: Guide to the submission and evaluation process
Indicative timetable for evaluation and grant agreement:
Information on the outcome of the evaluation: maximum 5 months from the deadline for submission.
Signature of grant agreements: maximum 8 months from the deadline for...
Please read carefully all provisions below before the preparation of your application.
List of countries and applicable rules for funding: described in part A of the General Annexes of the General Work Programme.
Please also note that a number of non-EU/non-Associated Countries that are not automatically eligible for funding have made specific provisions for making funding available for their participants in Horizon 2020 projects (follow the links to China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Taiwan).
Eligibility and admissibility conditions: described in part B and C of the General Annexes of the General Work Programme
Proposal page limits and layout: Please refer to Part B of the standard proposal template.
3.1  Evaluation criteria and procedure, scoring and threshold: described in part H of the General Annexes of the General Work Programme, with the following exception:
Only the best proposal may be funded for part c) Coordination and Suport Action.
3.2 Submission and evaluation process: Guide to the submission and evaluation process
Indicative timetable for evaluation and grant agreement:
Information on the outcome of the evaluation: maximum 5 months from the deadline for submission.
Signature of grant agreements: maximum 8 months from the deadline for submission.
Provisions, proposal templates and evaluation forms for the type(s) of action(s) under this topic:
Research and Innovation Action:
Specific provisions and funding rates
Standard proposal template
Standard evaluation form
H2020 General MGA -Multi-Beneficiary
Annotated Grant Agreement
Innovation Action:
Specific provisions and funding rates
Standard proposal template
Standard evaluation form
H2020 General MGA -Multi-Beneficiary
Annotated Grant Agreement
Coordination and Support Action:
Specific provisions and funding rates
Standard proposal template
Standard evaluation form
H2020 General MGA -Multi-Beneficiary
Annotated Grant Agreement
Additional provisions:
Horizon 2020 budget flexibility
Classified information
Technology readiness levels (TRL) – where a topic description refers to TRL, these definitions apply.
Open access must be granted to all scientific publications resulting from Horizon 2020 actions, and proposals must refer to measures envisaged. Where relevant, proposals should also provide information on how the participants will manage the research data generated and/or collected during the project, such as details on what types of data the project will generate, whether and how this data will be exploited or made accessible for verification and re-use, and how it will be curated and preserved.
Additional documents
H2020 Work Programme 2016-17: Introduction
H2020 Work Programme 2016-17: Introduction to Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEITs)
H2020 Work Programme 2016-17: Secure societies – protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
H2020 Work Programme 2016-17: Dissemination, Exploitation and Evaluation
H2020 Work Programme 2016-17: General Annexes
Legal basis: Horizon 2020 - Regulation of Establishment
Legal basis: Horizon 2020 Rules for Participation
Legal basis: Horizon 2020 Specific Programme
No exige Garantías
No existen condiciones financieras para el beneficiario.

Información adicional de la convocatoria

Efecto incentivador: Esta ayuda tiene efecto incentivador, por lo que el proyecto no puede haberse iniciado antes de la presentación de la solicitud de ayuda. + info.
Respuesta Organismo: Se calcula que aproximadamente, la respuesta del organismo una vez tramitada la ayuda es de:
Meses de respuesta:
Muy Competitiva:
No Competitiva Competitiva Muy Competitiva
No conocemos el presupuesto total de la línea
Minimis: Esta línea de financiación NO considera una “ayuda de minimis”. Puedes consultar la normativa aquí.

Otras ventajas

Sello PYME: Tramitar esta ayuda con éxito permite conseguir el sello de calidad de “sello pyme innovadora”. Que permite ciertas ventajas fiscales.
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Sin info.
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Cerrada hace 8 años | Próxima convocatoria prevista para el mes de
DS-01-2016 Assurance and Certification for Trustworthy and Secure ICT systems, services and components
en consorcio: Specific Challenge:The constant discovery of vulnerabilities in ICT components, applications, services and systems is placing our entire dig...
Cerrada hace 8 años | Próxima convocatoria prevista para el mes de
DS-03-2016 Increasing digital security of health related data on a systemic level
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DS-03-2015 The role of ICT in Critical Infrastructure Protection
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DS-07-2015 Value-sensitive technological innovation in Cybersecurity
en consorcio: Scope:Specific challenge: New digital technologies are all around us but their impact on society is often difficult to assess, let alone pr...
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DS-04-2015 Information driven Cyber Security Management
en consorcio: Scope:Specific challenge: Our dependence on technology continues to grow and, at the same time, the internal complexity of organisations'...
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DS-05-2015 Trust eServices
en consorcio: Scope:Specific challenge: The implementation of trust eServices in specific applications areas like health, public administration, eCommerc...
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DS-02-2014 Access Control
en consorcio: Scope:Specific challenge: Security includes granting access only to the people that are entitled to it. Currently the most widespread approa...
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DS-01-2014 Privacy
en consorcio: Scope:Specific challenge: Many online users are reluctant to disclose personal information online because of privacy concerns. Personal da...
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DS-06-2014 Risk management and assurance models
en consorcio: Scope:Specific challenge: The ability to assess, manage, reduce, mitigate and accept risk is paramount for an effective protections against...
Cerrada hace 10 años | Próxima convocatoria prevista para el mes de
ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-BE-INCLUSIVE-SPORT-AWARDS-CDSA #BeInclusive - Celebrating diversity sport award
en consorcio: Scope:To reward projects that show tolerance, giving positive examples of different people groups and working together or emphasize the bene...
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ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-BE-INCLUSIVE-SPORT-AWARDS-ICSA #BeInclusive - Inspiring change sport award
en consorcio: Scope:To reward projects that show inspiration, giving positive examples of empowerment and role models from groups with fewer opportunities...
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ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-BE-INCLUSIVE-SPORT-AWARDS-BBSA #BeInclusive - Breaking barriers sport award
en consorcio: Scope:To reward projects that show resilience, giving examples of how to overcome obstacles to participation
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CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-ROADS-WORKS Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms – works or mixed
Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on the Core Netwo...
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CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-ROADS-WORKS Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - works or mixed
Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects and rail-road terminals on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T. Scope...
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CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-ROADS-STUDIES Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms - studies
en consorcio: Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects and rail-road terminals on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T. Scope...
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CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-ROADS-WORKS Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - works or mixed
Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on the Core Netwo...
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CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-ROADS-WORKS Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - works or mixed
Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects and rail-road terminals on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T. Scope...
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CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-ROADS-STUDIES Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms - studies
en consorcio: Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects and rail-road terminals on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T. Scope...
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CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-ROADS-STUDIES Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms - Studies
en consorcio: Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on the Core Netwo...
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CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-ROADS-STUDIES Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms – studies
en consorcio: Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on the Core Netwo...
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DIGITAL-2021-PREPACTS-DS-01-AGRI Preparatory actions for the data space for Agriculture
en consorcio: Expected Outcome:Outcomes and deliverables The coordination and support action will provide: An inventory of existing platforms sharing da...
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DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-FEI-DS-GENOMICS Federated European infrastructure for genomics data
Expected Outcome:Outcomes and deliverables The following elements shall be delivered by the selected project: Deployment of an interoperab...
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DIGITAL-2021-PREPACTS-DS-01-TOURISM Preparatory actions for the data space for tourism
en consorcio: Expected Outcome:Outcomes and deliverables Inventory of existing platforms sharing data relevant for tourismAn analysis regarding gaps and...
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DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-DS-MARKETPLACE-CLOUD Marketplace for federated cloud-to-edge based services 
Objective:The objective is to deploy and operate an EU online marketplace for cloud and edge services. The marketplace should be the single...
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DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-PREP-DS-MANUFACT Preparatory actions for data spaces for manufacturing
en consorcio: Expected Outcome:Outcomes and deliverables The selected action will deliver: A sustainable data governance scheme and the identification o...
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DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-PREP-DS-MOB Data Space for Mobility
en consorcio: Expected Impact:Outcomes and deliverables Inventory of existing platforms sharing data relevant for mobilityAn analysis regarding gaps and...
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DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-PREP-DS-GREEN-DEAL Preparatory actions for the Green Deal Data Space 
en consorcio: Expected Outcome:Outcomes and deliverables A sustainable data governance scheme as well as a blueprint that connects existing national, reg...
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DIGITAL-2021-PREPACTS-DS-01-SKILLS Preparatory actions for the data space for skills
en consorcio: Expected Outcome:Outcomes and deliverables The coordination and support action will provide: An inventory of existing platforms collecting...
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ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-BE-ACTIVE-AWARDS-EDU #BeActive - Education award
en consorcio: Scope:This award aims to demonstrate how education can encourage kids to #BeActive outside the typical sport/physical activity taking place...
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en consorcio: Scope:This award celebrates exemplary activities in the workplace that encourage employees to #BeActive.
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en consorcio: Scope:This award honours individual achievement in motivating others to #BeActive.
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ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-BE-ACTIVE-AWARDS-GEN #BeActive - Across generations award
en consorcio: Scope:This award aims to reward projects promoting inter-generational sport.
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ERASMUS-EDU-2022-NET-SCHOOL-HEADS-TEACHERS European policy network on teachers and school leaders
Expected Impact:Expected impact The network, building on its expertise, collecting and analysing evidence and co-creating innovative practi...
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en consorcio: Scope:To rewards projects using sport as a vehicle to promote peace and European values. This category would particularly target initiatives...
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ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-BEINCLUSIVE-SPORT-AWARDS-BBSA #BeInclusive - Breaking Barriers in Sport
en consorcio: Scope:To reward sport projects that promote inclusion, dialogue and tolerance, emphasizing the benefits of understanding each other and over...
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ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-BEINCLUSIVE-SPORT-AWARDS-GENDER #BeInclusive - Promoting Gender Equality in Sport “Be Equal”
en consorcio: Scope:To reward projects promoting the empowerment and participation of women and girls in sport. This category would celebrate role models...
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CEF-T-2022-COMPCOEN-ROADS-WORKS Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed
Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on/in the proximi...
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CEF-T-2022-CORECOEN-ROADS-WORKS Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed
Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on/in the proximi...
Cerrada | Próxima convocatoria prevista para el mes de
CEF-T-2022-COMPGEN-ROADS-WORKS Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed
Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on/in the proximi...
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CEF-T-2022-COREGEN-ROADS-WORKS Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed
Objective:The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on/in the proximi...
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DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-03-DS-MOBILITY Data space for mobility (deployment)
Expected Outcome:Outcomes and deliverables Digitized processes allowing the public sector and businesses to access a larger pool of high qu...
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DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-03-DS-SMART Data space for smart communities (deployment)
Expected Outcome:Outcomes and deliverables An innovative and federated smart communities’ dataspace, including a large number of EU communi...
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DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-03-DS-MANUF Data space for manufacturing (deployment)
Expected Outcome:Outcomes and deliverables The two selected actions will deploy two data spaces for the manufacturing industry at scale, co...
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