Todas las empresas de
Mostrando ayudas de 1000 a 1050
- Vaccines and diagnostics for priority animal diseases
- Developing sustainable and competitive land-based protein crop systems and value chains
- Tackling outbreaks of plant pests
- Evidence-based decision-making to change social norms towards zero food waste
- EU-China international cooperation on integrated pest management in agriculture
- SMP-CONS-2021-DA
- International cooperation with Canada (RIA)
- Smart XG, last-mile and edge solutions for remote farming, forestry and rural areas
- Development of the markets and use of digital technologies and infrastructure in agriculture – state of play and foresight: digital and data technologies for the agricultural sector in a fast
- Personalised medicine and infectious diseases: understanding the individual host response to viruses (e.g. SARS-CoV-2)
- Next generation advanced therapies to treat highly prevalent and high burden diseases with unmet medical needs
- Mapping and improving the data economy for food systems
- Contained biomass solutions for sustainable and zero-Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) production systems for high value applications
- A mechanism for science to inform implementation, monitoring, review and ratcheting up of the new EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 ('Science Service').
- Supporting an EOSC-ready digitally skilled workforce
- Improved supportive, palliative, survivorship and end-of-life care of cancer patients
- Transition to digital/remote research infrastructure service provision: lessons learnt, needs and best practices
- Research infrastructures services advancing frontier knowledge
- MSCA International Cooperation 2021
- Support and coordination of the Quantum Technologies Flagship Initiative (CSA)
- Preparing, a European initiative to understand cancer
- Innovation for responsible EU sourcing of primary raw materials, the foundation of the Green Deal (RIA)
- Furthering food systems science and federating researchers across the European Research Area
- Nature-based solutions, prevention and reduction of risks and the insurance sector
- Supporting national, regional and local authorities across Europe to prepare for the transition towards climate neutrality within cities
- Demonstration network on climate-smart farming – linking pilot farms
- Building EU-Africa partnerships on sustainable raw materials value chains (CSA)
- Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI)’s circular systemic solutions
- AI, Data and Robotics at work (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA)
- eXtended Reality Modelling (RIA)
- eXtended Collaborative Telepresence (IA)
- Art-driven use experiments and design (RIA)
- Innovative approaches to enhance poverty-related diseases research in sub-Saharan Africa
- Raising awareness of circular and sustainable bioeconomy in support of Member States to develop bioeconomy strategies and/or action plans
- Regional nitrogen and phosphorus load reduction approach within safe ecological boundaries
- Preserving and enhancing cultural heritage with advanced digital technologies
- New genomic techniques (NGT): understanding benefits and risks – focus on bio-based innovation
- Support to National Contact Points (NCPs) for Research Infrastructures
- Artificial Intelligence for sustainable, agile manufacturing (AI, Data and Robotics - Made in Europe Partnerships) (IA)
- Environmental and social cross-compliance of marine policies
- Interdisciplinary digital twins for modelling and simulating complex phenomena at the service of research infrastructure communities
- Data economy in the field of agriculture – effects of data sharing and big data
- Unlocking the potential of algae for a thriving European blue bioeconomy
- Support to changes in the assessment of research and researchers to reward the practice of open science
- Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) for Research and Education Networks
- Biomaterials database for Health Applications (CSA)
- Establishing EU led international community on safe- and sustainable-by-design materials to support embedding sustainability criteria over the life cycle of products and processes (CSA)
- Safe- and sustainable-by-design metallic coatings and engineered surfaces (RIA)
- Awareness raising on Intellectual property (IP) management for European R&I (CSA)
- Identifying future availability of secondary raw materials (RIA)