The birth of multimessenger Astronomy is unfolding in front of our eyes, largely thanks to incredible observational developments. The new observations challenge theory on numerous frontiers and my goal is to address some of those...
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The birth of multimessenger Astronomy is unfolding in front of our eyes, largely thanks to incredible observational developments. The new observations challenge theory on numerous frontiers and my goal is to address some of those and to open others. Relativistic jets are the classical multimessenger sources, typically dominating the observed signature of the objects that launch them. Relativistic jets even have their own gravitational waves signature, Jet-GW, that arises from the jet acceleration. This signal, largely ignored so far, is a memory type wave that enable us to see directly the jet launching process, and is probably the only way to do so. Detection of Jet-GWs is extremely challenging and they may be easily missed if they are not looked for. In this program, I aim to achieve the understanding of these signals essential for their detection. In addition I propose to explore observational implications of relativistic jets as they are manifested in binary neutron star mergers (BNS), gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and a subpopulation of supernovae (SNe) that harbor hidden jets, and tidal disruption events (TDEs). I will study the basic physics involved, carry out large scale simulations and probe new observational results. I will focus on new physics, for example photodissociation of heavy nuclei during jet propagation within BNS ejecta, that hasn’t been considered so far. Powerful jets appears in some TDEs, but not in others. This makes TDEs natural laboratories to pursue the major open question: under which conditions are powerful jets launched? Although BNS, GRBs, SNe and TDEs appear to be very different, their jets have a lot in common. Understanding them requires analysis of the same basic physics and application of similar numerical tools. This joint study that breaks artificial conceptual barriers will be highly beneficial and fruitful.