Descripción del proyecto
MYRIAD-EU’s vision is to catalyse the paradigm shift required to move towards a multi-risk, multi-sector, systemic approach to risk management. Our aim is that by the end of MYRIAD-EU policy-makers, decision-makers, and practitioners can develop forward-looking disaster risk management pathways that assess trade-offs and synergies across sectors, hazards, and scales. We will co-develop the first harmonised framework for multi-hazard, multi-sector, systemic risk management. It provides a set of practical guidelines for carrying out a multi-risk assessment, formalised in guidance protocols. We will develop a web-based dashboard for navigating the framework, which gives access to state-of-the-art products and services of MYRIAD-EU and links to key resources from external projects. Central to MYRIAD-EU is a laboratory of systemic multi-hazard risk assessment and management. Within this laboratory, we co-develop the framework, and products and services to operationalise the framework, with stakeholders in five multi-scale Pilots: North Sea, Canary Islands, Scandinavia, Danube, Veneto. Each Pilot focuses on (interlinkages between) three of the following six sectors: infrastructure & transport, food & agriculture, ecosystems & forestry, energy, finance, tourism. For each Pilot, we examine multi-hazard risk within the region, as well as indirect, cross-sectoral, and interregional risks throughout the EU. MYRIAD-EU is designed to maximise impact. Our laboratory ensures that designing solutions to real-world challenges is central and that stakeholder co-development occurs throughout the project. To ensure that we reach key stakeholders, our consortium includes a Sectoral Representative for each of our key sectors - a leading institute from practice with an excellent network. MYRIAD-EU sets itself apart from other projects by addressing multi-hazard risk management through the lens of forward-looking sustainability challenges cutting across sectors, regions, and hazards.