Descripción del proyecto
The overall benefits of eHealth can only be realised if stakeholders comprehend and support interoperability of eHealth infrastructures and applications, as outlined in the recent EC Com-munication on Cross-border Interoperability of Electronic Health Records. This Support Action will promote interoperability (IOp) among Personal Health Systems (PHS) and between eHealth systems – in the landscape of continuous care, across multilingual and multi-cultural environments in Europe. A promotion concept and events plan will be developed in the context of a structured, evidence-based discussion framework on IOp. Key activities will include three thematically focused regional stakeholder workshops, one central pan-European PHS Interoperability Conference, and further promotion, networking & dialogue via modalities such as the Continua Health Alliance web portal, and other promotional material. Relevant stakeholder groups as well as related EU, national and industrial IOp initiatives and projects will be involved. Finally, a concise report on key outcomes from all promotional activities and stakeholder dialogues will be compiled, highlighting the current status, concerns, barriers and incentives to accelerate the development and adoption of interoperable PHS systems. Further recommendations for IOp promotion will be proposed to the EC, national governments, stakeholder groups and industry. Partners are The Centre, a European expert in public affairs/ organising events, Continua, the global industry consortium to promote the interoperability of PHS devices and systems, ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, responsible for standardization of ICT within Europe, and IHE, worldwide reference organisation for the interoperability of clinical information systems. The project lasts 12 months, and budgets € 399,000. Members of Continua, ETSI and IHE are expected to contribute at least another 14 person months "in kind", estimated to be worth ca. € 150,000.