Descripción del proyecto
In light of EU challenges relating to an aging workforce and the energy transition, the EU faces a shortage of relevant skills. GS4S seeks to better understand global skills shortages in selected sectors (Digital, Care and Construction) and strengthens evidence-based policies through new evidence on various overlooked global mobility schemes. Uniquely, a business perspective at macro, meso and micro levels is central to the proposal, juxtaposing local strategies for filling skills shortages of Multinational Enterprises and Small- and Medium Enterprises in global value chains. Moreover, we focus on skilled (migrant) workers experiences with skilling, upskilling and reskilling in EU and non-EU regional contexts. We propose multi-level policies on labour migration governance and alternative ways for addressing these shortages in the six regions (EU, EEA, Western Balkan, Middle East and Northern Africa, West Africa, and South/South-East Asia). Using mixed-methods research, the interdisciplinary consortium (with partners in Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Egypt, Nigeria, and Bangladesh) aims to provide exploitable datasets and practical tools for policy makers, businesses, and educational institutions in the EU and non-EU countries towards improved matching of skills to address labour market needs. In doing so, the project aims to contribute to a socially sustainable (well-being oriented) global strategy for skills, migration and development.