Innovating Works


Development of a high resolution, low cost, short range precipitation radar system The MARG project addresses the need to increase the competitiveness of the SME partners by developing an accurate, real-time and user friendly measurement system for monitoring spatial distribution and intensity of rain in rural a... The MARG project addresses the need to increase the competitiveness of the SME partners by developing an accurate, real-time and user friendly measurement system for monitoring spatial distribution and intensity of rain in rural and urban scale. By providing the innovative system and the data acquired via the system to business that are directly impacted by rain consortium SMEs intend to capture a significant share of the weather market that is valued at € 200 billion only in Europe. SMEs that cover the supply chain want to take an advantage of early market penetration and outrun the competition. During the project a pre-competitive prototype will be crafted by partners for single radar and network application. Partner SMEs strongly believe that it will turn to a marketable product by 2014 and within the first 5 years of exploitation it will gain a total profit of € 1.5 M for them. ver más
Duración del proyecto: 25 meses Fecha Inicio: 2012-11-01
Fecha Fin: 2014-12-31

Línea de financiación: concedida

El organismo FP7 notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2014-12-31
FP7 No se conoce la línea exacta de financiación, pero conocemos el organismo encargado de la revisión del proyecto.
Presupuesto El presupuesto total del proyecto asciende a 1M€
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ATEKNEA SOLUTIONS HUNGARY KFT No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.