Descripción del proyecto
This project aims to refine and complete the definition of the common ATM U-space interface by identifying new working areas with impact and providing a consolidated interface with a standardized data model, architecture and an operation method to achieve a minimum TRL7.
This proposal addresses the topic ATM – U-space Interface and Services which is composed of the following solutions:
- Solution 1: ATM - U-space Interface:. Achieve full integration of ATM and U-space systems, by refining and completing the definition of the common ATM U-space interface and identifying new working areas with impact on the already started common interface.
- Solution 2: Dynamic Airspace Reconfiguration: Develop the complete service mentioned in U-space regulation and in their respective Guidance Material (GM) and Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC), necessary to stablish the operating methodology and develop the standard interface to help ATC actors in charge of airspace reconfigurations to maintain traffic segregation and to avoid proximity between manned and unmanned aircraft within the designated U-space airspace.