Innovating Works
HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA4-1: Fast Track Innovation and Uptake U-space and Urban Air Mobility
Expected Outcome:U-space provides an unparalleled opportunity to experiment, test and validate some of the key architectural principles and technology enablers of the future digital European sky before incorporating them into the broader ATM ecosystem. It will accelerate the digital transformation of the European ATM system while opening the way to the safe integration of new vehicles into the airspace.
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Expected Outcome:U-space provides an unparalleled opportunity to experiment, test and validate some of the key architectural principles and technology enablers of the future digital European sky before incorporating them into the broader ATM ecosystem. It will accelerate the digital transformation of the European ATM system while opening the way to the safe integration of new vehicles into the airspace.

Environment. U-space will not increase the environmental footprint of the air transport system. Specific metrics will be identified, tailored to the U-space environment and the types of vehicles operating within it (most of them are expected to be zero-emission aircraft). Special consideration should be given to the noise impact of low-level operations enabled by U-space. The growing use of zero-emission UAVs enabled by U-space may also contribute to reducing the environmental footprint of the overall transport system, for example by reducing road traffic levels.Passenger experience. In terms of passenger experience and overall socioeconomic contribution, U-space will enable and accelerate the drone economy, opening the way to new services (delivery, inspection, securit... ver más

Expected Outcome:U-space provides an unparalleled opportunity to experiment, test and validate some of the key architectural principles and technology enablers of the future digital European sky before incorporating them into the broader ATM ecosystem. It will accelerate the digital transformation of the European ATM system while opening the way to the safe integration of new vehicles into the airspace.

Environment. U-space will not increase the environmental footprint of the air transport system. Specific metrics will be identified, tailored to the U-space environment and the types of vehicles operating within it (most of them are expected to be zero-emission aircraft). Special consideration should be given to the noise impact of low-level operations enabled by U-space. The growing use of zero-emission UAVs enabled by U-space may also contribute to reducing the environmental footprint of the overall transport system, for example by reducing road traffic levels.Passenger experience. In terms of passenger experience and overall socioeconomic contribution, U-space will enable and accelerate the drone economy, opening the way to new services (delivery, inspection, security, UAM, etc.) that will increase the well-being of European citizens. U-space will foster the development of a new high-tech economic sector in Europe, leading to wealth and job creation. Particular attention must, however, be paid to safeguarding privacy and ensuring social acceptance.Capacity. U-space will not negatively affect the capacity of the ATM system and will create additional system capacity by enabling large volumes of unmanned aircraft to access the airspace. Specific capacity metrics are to be developed for U-space, covering safety and other concerns such as noise.Cost-efficiency. U-space will not negatively affect the cost of providing ATM services. Specific cost-efficiency metrics are to be developed for U-space, focusing on the cost of delivering U-space services.Operational efficiency. U-space will substantially reduce the costs of operating unmanned aircraft in the European airspace and will not negatively affect the operating costs of other airspace users. Specific operational efficiency metrics are to be defined for U-space, including fairness aspects.Safety. U-space will not negatively affect the safety of the ATM system. Specific safety metrics are to be defined for U-space.Security. U-space will not negatively affect the security of the ATM system. Cybersecurity will be a key area to be considered in relation to U-space, especially regarding interaction (data exchange) between U-space services and ATM systems. This topic is designed to accelerate the development of high-risk, high-gain projects with a view to shortening the time to market for disruptive and highly innovative solutions. These activities may start at very low TRL levels but should aim to deliver as rapidly as possibly new products and services to the market at TRL7 (system demonstration in an operational environment).

Scope:To achieve the expected outcomes, all or some of the following should be addressed.

Enabling safe and autonomous operations in all types of airspace. This involves the development of technological and operational enablers leading to the execution of meaningful demonstrations showcasing autonomous operations involving electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) and large drones in all types of airspace (controlled, uncontrolled, suburban and urban areas). It also includes simulation to enable the analysis, design, testing and validation of the future U-space ecosystem (R&I need: support the development of the U-space regulatory framework and required standards).U-space advanced services (U3). This will support more complex operations in dense areas and may include capacity management and assistance for conflict detection. New technologies, higher levels of automation and miniaturisation (including ML and AI, automated DAA functionalities and reliable means of communication) will enable a significant increase in operations in all environments and will reinforce interfaces with ATM/ATC and manned aviation. These advanced services should include, in particular, collaborative interface with ATC, strategic/tactical conflict resolution and dynamic capacity management. These services should build on U1/U2 capabilities but should also result in the development of new capabilities, such as connectivity (vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure) and DAA (R&I need: develop advanced U-space services).U-space full services (U4). In particular, services offering integrated interfaces with manned aviation are required, to support the full operational capability of U-space. They will require very high levels of automation, connectivity and digitalisation, both for the drone and for the U-space system (R&I need: develop advanced U-space services).Legal and financial aspects of U-space at U3 and U4 level. A detailed investigation is required of the legal and financial aspects of U3 and U4 U-space operations, including general and aviation law, and covering safety and security issues, liability issues, certification issues and U-space services financing models. This is a transversal activity, which will need input from the two previous addressed aspects – U3/4 services (R&I need: financial and legal aspects).U-space services above very-low-level airspace. UAM covers all types of urban air operations that require the extension of U-space services beyond the very-low-level limit. Drone operators and UAM operations will require access to higher altitudes and areas close to commercial manned aviation (e.g. airports); at the same time, manned aircraft flying in or adjacent to very-low-level airspace could make use of U-space services. A safe and equitable integration of these operations with manned aviation will require additional U3–U4 services. The development of interoperability and a CDM process between urban airspace operations, ATM and city authorities will be key for future urban airspace operations (R&I need: applications above very-low-level airspace and enabling UAM).Enabling UAM. The requirements of UAM operations are expected to be the most challenging for the U-space ecosystem. One of the key research questions is how to integrate autonomous operations over populated areas safely into complex and congested airspace environments, with operations involving vehicles interacting with U-space and conventional ATM services. The research should investigate how U-space can support the transition from piloted to autonomous operations. The evolution of U-space, together with its associated regulatory framework and standards, will need to be synchronised and coordinated with the development of the UAM concept of operations, future UAM services and the certification of UAM vehicles. Special consideration should be given to the operational limitations of these new vehicles and how U-space can contribute to operational safety by protecting their operation in contingency and non-nominal situations (R&I need: enabling UAM).U-space services for general aviation aircraft and rotorcraft. General aviation aircraft and rotorcraft are expected to fly jointly with drones in some portions of airspace. In order to enable safe operations, U-space services will need to be provided to airspace users such as general aviation aircraft and rotorcraft users. The targeted services are based on enhanced information-sharing to enable improved situational awareness at both strategic and tactical levels (R&I need: ATM–U-space integration).Advanced airborne capabilities for air–ground integration. This will involve developing the airborne technologies required to enable safe operations, advanced situational awareness and autonomous decision-making. Interoperable, performance-based CNS services in U-space need to be developed and validated in operational environments. Activities should focus on air–ground integration following a total-system approach. This includes airborne sensor technology for situational awareness and safety, trajectory management, DAA solutions for cooperative and non-cooperative traffic, and high-integrity data communication (R&I need: CNS and separation minima).Environmental sustainability and social acceptance. Work is required to ensure that the new operations enabled by U-space and UAM are acceptable to the public. This includes the identification and development of measures to reduce the environmental impact of U-space operations (noise, visual pollution and CO2), ensuring adequate levels of safety and security. This work should consider as a starting point the findings of the 2021 EASA study on the social acceptance of UAM in Europe (R&I need: U-space social acceptance). ver menos

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Características del consorcio

Ámbito Europeo : La ayuda es de ámbito europeo, puede aplicar a esta linea cualquier empresa que forme parte de la Comunidad Europea.
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Características del Proyecto

Requisitos de diseño: *Presupuesto para cada participante en el proyecto
Requisitos técnicos: Expected Outcome:U-space provides an unparalleled opportunity to experiment, test and validate some of the key architectural principles and technology enablers of the future digital European sky before incorporating them into the broader ATM ecosystem. It will accelerate the digital transformation of the European ATM system while opening the way to the safe integration of new vehicles into the airspace. Expected Outcome:U-space provides an unparalleled opportunity to experiment, test and validate some of the key architectural principles and technology enablers of the future digital European sky before incorporating them into the broader ATM ecosystem. It will accelerate the digital transformation of the European ATM system while opening the way to the safe integration of new vehicles into the airspace.
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Madurez tecnológica: La tramitación de esta ayuda requiere de un nivel tecnológico mínimo en el proyecto de TRL 6:. Representa un paso importante en demostrar la madurez de una tecnología. Se construye un prototipo de alta fidelidad que aborda adecuadamente las cuestiones críticas de escala, que opera en un entorno relevante, y que debe ser a su vez una buena representación del entorno operativo real. + info.
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Para el presupuesto subvencionable la intensidad de la ayuda en formato fondo perdido podrá alcanzar desde un 70% hasta un 100%.
The funding rate for IA projects is 70 % for profit-making legal entities and 100 % for non-profit legal entities. The funding rate for IA projects is 70 % for profit-making legal entities and 100 % for non-profit legal entities.
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