Innovating Works

Alejandro Hernandez-Albors

Alejandro Hernandez-Albors

My background as a chemist has been carried out in a multidisciplinary way, going through different fields of the chemistry. My first contact with the research field was done during my final degree thesis, entitled “Study of spectra and molecular properties with electronic correlation methodologies. Calibration and applications”, done in the group Theoretical Chemistry group, led by Professor José Sánchez-Marín, at the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMOL) of the University of Valencia. My next steps before obtaining my degree in chemistry, led me to collaborate with the Polimeric Materials group, led by Professor Clara Gómez Clarí at the Institute of Materials science (ICMUV) of the University of Valencia, achieving a collaboration grant from “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia”. Afterwards, I did my post-degree master “Materials and sensing systems applied to innovative technologies” at the Interuniversity Research Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM), in the Polytechnic University of Valencia. During this period, I started my predoctoral studies in the group of Professor Ángel Maquieira, at IDM. My work was focused on the synthesis of new haptens and bioconjugates for antibodies production to develop immunochemical techniques and new screening methodologies, such as ELISA, for the detection of anabolic steroids in human samples. Part of this work was published in various international journals. This first contact with immunotechniques development awoke in me an increasing interest in immunochemistry, nanotechnology and biosensors science, driving me to continue my predoctoral studies in the field of the clinical diagnostic in the group of Professor M. Pilar Marco at Institute of advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC) from Spanish National Research Council. My work was focused in the production of antibodies and the development of different immunochemical assays, such as ELISA and particularly, electrochemical biosensors, for both, the detection of different cardiac biomarkers in human samples and for the veterinary drugs detection in food samples. This led me to collaborate actively with FOSS company, in the field of electrochemical immunosensors development for food safety, combining successfully different bioreceptors with different nanomaterials and reducing substantially the total assay time for achieving a reproducible response for the detection of several antibiotics in milk samples.From 2017 to 2019, I was part of the Biosensors for Bioengineering group led by Dr. Javier Ramón Azcón, at IBEC (Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia) as a postdoctoral researcher. My work was focused on the development of a different electrochemical immunosensors for the detection of different cell biomarkers, such as cytokines, in the context of the diabetes and muscular dystrophy pathologies, combining biosensors with tissue engineering to study different tissue interactions and drug effects.From 2019 to 2022, I was part of the Lumensia Sensors SL team, that is in the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Lumensia Sensors company is focused on the development of a new biosensing approaches for the detection of allergens, pathogens and other residues in food matrices. My work here as post doctorate researcher, wass directly correlated with the part of the surface biofunctionalization, the development of the different biosensing and immunosensing platforms and their analytical validation.
6 Trabajos publicados
LUMENSIA SENSORS No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Universidad Lumensia Sensors SL.
6 Trabajos publicados Design and Development of Photonic Biosensors for Swine Viral Diseases Detection.
Tecnologías Este investigador todavia no tiene tecnologías de sus trabajos
Perfil de ORCID 0000-0003-2197-5117