Innovating Works

Benito José

Benito José

I was born in Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz), a small town in Cádiz, Spain in 1979. I soon developed a keen interest in the Life Sciences since my childhood: especially Biology (focused on Zoology of Invertebrates), Chemistry (focused on Organic Chemistry) and Biochemistry (Macromolecules). For that reason, I started Chemistry (Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Cádiz, UCA) studying from 2000 - 2005; after that, I studied a degree on Chemical Analysis in Seville from 2006 - 2009 and, much recently, a degree on Viticulture (El Puerto de Sta. María, Cádiz) from 2014 - 2016. Since 2018 I am also studying Geography and History (UNED).I worked in the Biotechnology field as a Researh assistant in the Department of Proteomics of a Biotech company (CURAXYS S.L.) that developed monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of breast cancer (carcinoma) in its early stages, from 2012 - 2014. I have also collaborated in three important researches (two of them from the Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla - IRNAS - CSIC -, 2009) and the latter from the School of Biological Sciences. Royal Holloway. University of London (2018).I have also worked in the wine industry in several wineries of Spain (Burgos, Málaga, Cádiz) and directly in several campaigns of the grape harvest in the province of Cádiz from 2016 till the present days.Hobbies: I consider myself as an "addict" book lover; that is the reason I still keep plenty of books from my childhood to the present day, feeling a special interest in HISTORY and GEOGRAPHY: mostly the Human Prehistory and Ancient History of Eastern Europe and Western Asia (from the ages of Cyrus The First to the anexation of the province of Egypt by the Roman Empire), being especially interested in the life and facts of Alexander the Great (356 - 323 b.C.) as well as the Geography of the ancient world.What about science hobbies? well, I am a devoted shell collector since 1994, especialized in Gastropods (Gastropoda). In this matter, I have written on my own several papers or articles mostly focused in the families CONIDAE - CYPRAEIDAE (both published in several magazines) and I have been (and I still am) an enthusiastic collaborator in other papers, books (i.e. Felix Lorenz. Cowries - A Guide to the Gastropod Family Cypraeidae. Volume 1,2, - 2017 -; Trevor Sutcliffe. Diving for Australia´s awesome Aussie cowries, - 2015 -), etc.Beside the shells, either fossils or recent ones (and minerals!) I recently became fascinated by the Evolution of Early Life post - Ediacaran / Burgess Shale Fauna (Invertebrata: Trilobita, Ammonita) towards the Evolution of more complex fauna as post - Triassic Reptiles and their - future - close relationship with both real birds and mammals).More recently, I feel a keen interest and I have been "rediscovering" the importance of life molecules (proteins, RNA, DNA) in the current advanced treatment of human and animal diseases, especially the ones derivated from the chemical compounds extracted from the venoms of living organisms, either invertebrates (spiders, cone shells) or vertebrates (snakes, lizards...).I also like beachcombing, swimming, diving, snorkelling and trekking. A lot of ..."ing" I guess!.
17 Trabajos publicados
BODEGAS BARBADILLO No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Universidad Bodegas Barbadillo S.L..
17 Trabajos publicados Evolutionary drivers of group foraging: A new framework for investigating variance in food intake and reproduction. Pgs. 01 - 16..
Tecnologías Molluscan Diversity Invertebrate evolution Cowries Cones Seashells
Fossils Minerals Evolution Invertebrates Life Sciencies
Perfil de ORCID 0000-0003-0603-8889