Innovating Works

Julieta Schallenberg-Rodriguez

Julieta Schallenberg-Rodriguez

Doctor and Industrial Engineer. Currently lecturer at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Canary Islands, Spain. Former project manager in the Technological Institute of the Canary Islands, for 13 years. Research stages abroad in the Fraunfofer Institute, Technological University of Vienna and Edinburgh University, among others. Coordinator of 5 European projects and partner in more than 10 European projects, all in the field of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). She has been working in the field of RES for nearly 20 years, considering many aspects of the deployment of RES, from technical aspects to non technological aspects (e.g. incentives, economical…). Wide experience in training, being director of various courses related to RES. Several awards in the energy field. Numerous scientific publications and speeches in international congresses. Independent expert for the European Commission for proposal evaluation for the last 10 years.
16 Trabajos publicados
INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE CANARIAS No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Universidad Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias SA.
16 Trabajos publicados Energy supply of a large size desalination plant using wave energy. Practical case: North of Gran Canaria.
Tecnologías renewable energies sustainable energy
Perfil de ORCID 0000-0003-0534-8316